Thursday, January 8, 2009

I got some VERY BAD news. I CAN'T AUDITiON FOR THE DRUM SET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH... Oh well... I guess I'll have to let other ppl to take my DEAR DEAR DRUM SET POST! WHY DID SHERWYN TELL E THAT I CANT AUDITION FOR DRUM SET?! I GOT THE EXPERIENCE! I AUDITION SURE GET IN OK! (Lawl... Too much self confidence. XD) Then later I go back HOW? NO CCA?! NO NO! CANNOT! MUST HAVE BAND. AND PERCUSSION. :'( NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha. Oh well... I guess thats the end of my drum set post.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

GOT THE TWILIGHT CD! THE TWILIGHT CD, THE TWILIGHT CD!!!!!!!!!!! AH! I ACTUALLY GOT THE CD! I MISSED MS CHUA'S MOVIE TREAT TO TWILIGHT BUT THEN I GOT THE CD! I WANT TO FAINT LIAOS! LOL. Random. And I got my earpiece liaos. :DDD Anyway, yesterday went to the museum! Got DINOSAUR SKELETONS. So cool rights? I think if I can go and play and go more museums I'll enjoy here alot. Well, at least I don't missmy Singapore so much. Its all fate. JUST SPEND MY TIME HERE AND ENJOY! Pics Pics! :D

The Dino sketon. SO COOL! I guess pics don't count... Cant see very clear. I tell you, if you saw the original, you can get scared! I was like wondering what I would do if it suddenly came alive.. Me and a dinosaur skeleton TWILIGHT DISC!!!!!!!! THE COVER! I THINK I'M GOING MAD BOUT IT...

Haha. Anyway, thinking of changing my URL. angel-of-hope-and-love... A bit sick of it liao. Like lovejesus-loveme. I should change it to: HAHA! Oh well. I'll decide. AND I HAVE TO CREATE MY OWN BLOGSKIN! ARGH. I'll go and learn. Bye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Today was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cold... Freezing to death liao. Last night at 12am smsed Zan and Belle... Then stupid phone keep saying invalid number for the both of them... ARGH. I was like praying:"GOD! Please dont force me to call them... Belle the sleepyhead may be snoring away ok!" LOL. I guess I'll just live from here onwards... Always travelling around with this lonely sense of belonging no where. Hey, I'm getting emo. This is stupid. Haha. I wish all my friendz out there in Singapore good luck for your first day tomorrow... God, please let Sherwyn be in my class... Zanny isn't in my class and I'm stressed enough in Singapore work and the SUPER HARD Algebra in Mongolia school. Plus I have to bear with this cut on my hand. Oh yah, Zan, I sent you your letter liaos... Plus the little gift. AND BelLEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You havent given me your address, FOR GOODNESS SakE. Oh well. Zan tag me to do quiz...
1.What is your full name?
Tan Cheng Yi Angeline.
2.Are you single?
Erm... DUH...
3.What is your fav number[s]?
24... 32!!! ARGH. I keep seeing 32. Reminds me of miss Sharon Chew X.X. LOL.
4.What is/are your fav colour?
BLACK! <3333 White, orange and hot pink too <3
5.Least fav colour?
Dunno. XP
6.What are you thinking about now?
who will be in Sec1E4 next year. And school tomorrow*YEAH!*
7.Are you happy with your life now?
Yeah. Cause it's all in God's hands. :)
8.What are your fav subjects in school?
Maths! Especially super difficult, brain killing questions. I DUNNO WHY... Haha.
9.Do you shop at malls?
10.Where do you wish to be right now?
Singapore. Haha.
11.What should you be doing now?
Sleeping. But I can't. XD
12.Do you have a crush on anyone?
13.When was the last time you bought a clothing item?
Last Saturday.
14.What was the last thing you drank?
15.Do you hate liars? Do you hate backstabbers?
I don't hate. But I dislike them...
16.Can you make yourself sneeze?
WOW! Who can do it?! Hows? But I can make my sis sneeze by poking her nose!
17.Do you fall for people easily?
18.What does your last text message read?
"Schedule for tomorrow: Russian, Vocabulary, Math..." <<--LOL
19.Are you too forgiving?
Yes. So many people take advantage of that. Its bad...
20.How many windows are open on your com?
21.Who was your last call FROM?
Dont ask me. It was from someone that FREAKS.ME.OUT.
22.What do you do with most of your time?
Laze like a piggy... With snacks an ice-cream or bubblegum. HAHA!
23.Will you and your ex get back again?
I'll be ONLY 13 in 23 days So PLEASE.
24.Do you sleep with the TV on?
Sometimes. Its quite fun. :D
25.Which of your close friend[s] live the closest?
God. HE'S so close to me.
26. Which item would you not be able to live throughout the day?
My laptop. And handphone. Hahaz...
27.Would you share drink with a stranger?
28. HOw was your weekend?
29.Do you believe ex[s] can be friends?
Yes. But it'll be so hard...
30.The last person you quarrelled with?
My sister. Over who ate more bubblegum than who. LOL.
31.The way to win your heart?
32.What did you do last night?
Watch the fireworks... They were beautiful...
33.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
34.Are you looking for a bf/gf? Nahs...
35.One song that is meaningful to you? Photographs. LOL.
36.Do you scoop or swirl your spaghetti?
Never really cared bout that. HAha!
37.Do you drink mile straight from the carton?
38.How long is your hair?
I dunno. But I know my fingers are 19cm when tehy STRECH. HAHA!
39. Do you like batam?
I've never been there. Haha.
40.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
41.When was the last time you sang ou loud?
Just now...
42.What did you have for breakfast?
Chocolate milk...
43.Is your birthday on a Holiday?
44.Can you cook?
45.Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
46.What was the reason for the last trouble you were in?
47.Which do you wear more? Sweats and jeans?
48.When is your birthday?
23 days later! 24 JAN!
49.Do you sweat a lot?
Not really.
50.What was your first alcoholic drink?
51.Do you have any regrets?
Yes. A very big regret for being such an idiot.
52.Who would you like to see now?
Zan...(But I wont even bother saying anything.) BeLLE!!!!!!
53.Have the cops ever come to your house?
YES. They got the wrong house. What idiots...
54.Are you a social or anti-social person?
Me? Social. Haha!
55.Who are your best friends? Are you still friends with them?
I love my best friends. So please do not insult. XD
56.Ever been in love?
57.Ever had braces?
Nah. I may be having...
58.What do you wear to bed?
59.Who was the last person who disappointed you? Better not to mention.
60.Do you trust people?
61.Who was the first person who talked to you today?
62.Who was the first person who texted you today?
No one. (I miss my smses...)
63.What was the first thing you did today?
Wake up.
64.Ten people to tag.
No one. I'm sleepy. Good night. LOL. Bye.....