Sunday, January 4, 2009

GOT THE TWILIGHT CD! THE TWILIGHT CD, THE TWILIGHT CD!!!!!!!!!!! AH! I ACTUALLY GOT THE CD! I MISSED MS CHUA'S MOVIE TREAT TO TWILIGHT BUT THEN I GOT THE CD! I WANT TO FAINT LIAOS! LOL. Random. And I got my earpiece liaos. :DDD Anyway, yesterday went to the museum! Got DINOSAUR SKELETONS. So cool rights? I think if I can go and play and go more museums I'll enjoy here alot. Well, at least I don't missmy Singapore so much. Its all fate. JUST SPEND MY TIME HERE AND ENJOY! Pics Pics! :D

The Dino sketon. SO COOL! I guess pics don't count... Cant see very clear. I tell you, if you saw the original, you can get scared! I was like wondering what I would do if it suddenly came alive.. Me and a dinosaur skeleton TWILIGHT DISC!!!!!!!! THE COVER! I THINK I'M GOING MAD BOUT IT...

Haha. Anyway, thinking of changing my URL. angel-of-hope-and-love... A bit sick of it liao. Like lovejesus-loveme. I should change it to: HAHA! Oh well. I'll decide. AND I HAVE TO CREATE MY OWN BLOGSKIN! ARGH. I'll go and learn. Bye!

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