Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today... OMG THE KIDS WERE SO CUTE!!! Haha... Must say that I had fun... Anyway, Ms Kok's birthday's today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Navity play: I'm doing dance! Don't ask why. Somehow I must have keep telling myself I can't dance but then Megan Lau was like purposely singing, "cause everytime we touch, I get this felling..." Cause I didn't want to dance. So I suddenly remembered last year I actually DID THE TEACHERS DAY DANCE! T_T... But who cares what I did. And obviously Sherilyn kept laughing. But then I wasn't discouraged too. I laughed at myself,(<<<---Random) but I don't know why. Maybe cause I was the 'dancing' type. Haha??? Grad night... I dont have superstar lehs. How to dress up like superstar? Haiz. I guess I'll be free of the random people these days during navity play. But at least I still have Megan and Sherwyn :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ah~ Facebook is GOOD! Found a few games. Pet Society is nice! Haha. So I create a pig[The animal i always love T_T] Then named it Piggy. But then its like Piggy is such a common name. But can't think of anything else. So took a break. I've finished Vampire Doll and Wish already. So looked through all my books and found Fruits Basket. Then read lorhs. Then thought: Can name my pig Kagura! Haha... T_T Then created it. You can visit your friends to. Ms Ong currently has the highest score... Then my cousin Fiducia. Haha. Went to visit all of them. Ms Ong's house is so big!!! And I found out that Zan's pet's name was Yuki!!! I mean, its just... TOO MUCH of a coincidence right? As in TOO MUCH... And I beat Ms Kok and Tiffany in Word Challenge!!! Muahahaaha! [No offence] LOLX. Realised that a lot of people hate me. Haha... Maybe just about 2 or 3. But who cares. They hate, then just let them lorh right? I happy enough liaos :) I've decided: Let bygones be bygones. Dont need to keep thinking bout ppl's bad points.t Think of GOOD points right? (I'm not hinting at you, ******) So I wont hate. Maybe dislike. But not hate. I remember Janice once told me, 'HATE' is a strong word. Must use it too often, it may hurt. So I will just keep loving my friends, and be HAPPY:) [I AM NOT A LES!!!] I can't wait till tomorrow! Cause I know I'll have fun with the random people... And I love kids:) *I'm not trying to spite you, and I tell you, I never will. And its a promise:)
Hellos, PEOPLE~ Here I come again. Feelin VERY random. NOTES: TOMORROW: Teach Them Young project... 13TH NOVEMBER: Graduation Party at Hard Rock Cafe... AH! Miss school like crazy. Yesterday went to expo hall and my mum was supposed to go and look for a new air-con but then me and my sis found out that there was a book fair going on. So said bye to my mum and just ran off. Then found out got this WHOLE long table of MANGA BOOKS. So when to see. Even got HANA-KIMI lehs! ... So I got 2 books. One is called Wish, and the other one is called Vampire Doll. Vampire Doll is SO RANDOM! Haha... Love it. Wish is not bad too. But I think I prefer random books. Haha. Nothing to say... Guess I'm just random. :) ~~~The Random Jelly>.<~~~

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hellos people!!! I'm recently addicted to some songs! -Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis -Step Up by Samantha Jade -Check Yes Juliet by We the Kings ~~~Japanese Songs~~~ -Laugh Away by Yui -Hope by Miku Hatsune -Heaven by Ayumi Hamasaki -Redemption by Gackt -Yuki No Hana by Nakashima Mika Yui and Miku's voice are real cute! Haha... If you wanna try, try Laugh Away and Yuki No Hana. My top 2 favs! Ahhhh~I'm so totally random... My phone got problem yesterday. Went for repair and I lost ALL MY MESSAGES AND CONTACTS!!!T_T. My messages... Mostly are from Zaneta. Then Andrea's got quite a bit and Belle's nonsence got alot larhs. A few of JG's... And a few from my dad...etc... I MISS SCHOOL!!!! (<<<--- That was totally random :-P) I decided that I really would want to spend more time with the random people. So maybe all five of us should skip recess? So far, Priya, Belle and Sherilyn doesn't go for recess. They stay in class to talk nonsense and play the fishball game sometimes. T_T. You know how to play the fishball game? There would be a teacher called Mrs Fishball and fishball students. Then Mrs fishball would ask very lame questions... E.G. Sherilyn's the teacher. Mrs Fishball: What is Zach plus Esabella? Me: Marraige!!! Mrs Fishball: Correct! Very Good! You shall get 100 smacks for answering correctly! Me: Thank you! Mrs Fishball: Esabella, what is 1 fishball plus 1 fishball? Belle: 100 fishballs, Mrs Fishball! Mrs Fishball: Good! You shall get 100 kg of farts! Belle: Thanks Mrs Fishball! Then we just keep laughing and laughing and when fishball came in we tried hard not to laugh. But actually calling her fishball is alright. Since she calls me rambutan, Sherilyn chocolate ball and Belle, BBK(Belle Belle Koh) so I guess it's alright to call her back? She doesn't seem to hate it though... LOLX. Annd Esabella and Sherilyn are making a FISHBALL BOOK! THATS MORE RANDOM THAN I THOUGHT!!! A FISHBALL BOOK?! Then how bout a rambutan book next time eh? LOL... Random la... Anyway, I know how to say fishball in 4 different languages! Fishball, yuyuan, kodo and bebulan ikan! Hahaha! OK... That was lame and RANDOM! I so totally love being random. Guess its like a... Habit? Anyways, should we let WaiYee join the random people? Actually I don't really want her too. Cause she's always with SooJi and the rest, although she's random enough... Haha... Remember in church with me and Belle on 12TH October 2008, she brought a.. a... a... BIKINI inside her bag. AND BELLE PULLED IT OUT IN FRONT OF THE THREE BOYS! Ewww... But the three of us plus Belle's church friend Clarrise was laughing like crazy, unable to stop. I still don't wanna leave SMPS. There are just too many LOVELY MEMORIES here. P3: The five of us(Me, Hannah, Regi, Isabella and Leena) were always together and playing happily together... P4: Got seperated from my P3 friends and became best friends with Sherwyn. From then on, stopped playing and instead, talked about designing clothes and stuff, Sherwyn's interest... P5: Got seperated with Sherwyn. Felt desperate. Ended up with Belle together as best friends. P6: Happy~ With Belle and Sherwyn together! Then now with The random people. My life is so interesting... From playing the bells to the bass drum, then snare drum then drum set. And from this friend to that friend...Of course, there were unhappy moments and quarrels but I don't remember them. At least, not anymore. Thats why I have SMPS Scrapbook. Shows the life of all of us with SMILES. At least when I get older and fatter(I know you're laughing when you see this, SHERILYN!!!) I only can see smiles everywhere in that book. Ah~ Pictures are so PRECIOUS... BAND! Reminds me... NO BAND TILL NEXT NEXT MONDAY! T_T. And I wonder if I should give up my drum test till I come back from Mongolia. *sighs* So confused. ~Jelly Rambutan Angie~ (<--- Being random again. Its gonna get into a habitT_T)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Today I was with the random people. Actually the random people in like a clique like that. It consists of: -Me[DUH!] -Sherilyn -Esabella -Priya -Han Wen Fang Han Wen was a fine young man until he ate a big fishball, and ended up farting like hell and the fishball came out... ARGH!!! Can't get the Fang Han Wen song out of my mind. Today, the five of us went to eat, then met up in P6 Patience. Then just to annoy Sherilyn, we pulled her rubber band(again) and Sherilyn was SCREAMING so loudly!!! Then they pulled Han Wen's and the four of them kept running and chasing and passing the rubber band around while I just sat on the floor laughing and laughing. Then Belle was like:"Oh my Gawd! Angeline in sitting on the floor! She's gonna give birth!" Then the 4 ppl came and was like "Push Angie! Go Angie go!" And I just kept laughing and laughing. Then I stopped and pulled Priya's rubber band and then running again. Esabella was lucky, she didn't have long hair so no rubber band. Then Belle was like: Only Angeline's isn't pulled! So the four of them started chasing me but then 4 against 1 in the small classroom... I didn't have anywhere to ran so I ran ALL THE WAY down the staircase and into the netball court. Sherilyn and Priya were still chasing but Belle and Han Wen stopped and were panting so they went back to class. So me myself am very fat, so I couldn't run anymore and Priya and Sherilyn "arrested" me and pushed me on the ground and pulled my rubber band off. So I, the "prisoner" was "arrested". Haha. So ran back to class and finally got my rubber band back. But then suddenly the bell rang and everyone was RUNNING DOWN THE STAIRCASE!!! So got into the hall and then hair was in a mess. But only Han Wen's hair was considered 'neat' as she was the only one among us whose hair was tied up. Sherilyn and me and Priya's hair were all untied. And we messed up Belle's hair. Gosh. I didn't expect us to be THAT random... Haha. Ah!!! Can't believe got long weekend... T_T. I've been crazy bout school now that PSLE is over... Oh and by the way teach them young project's on next Tuesday. Monday's holiday. The five of us hope that 6 Kindness is with 6 Patience so we could be with Han Wen. Ah... I pity HanWen cause the four of us were in 6Patience but she was in 6Kindness. And the four of us are teaching Science. Most likely we WILL be with 6 Kind. At least I hope we will... Belle and me had to go from class to class to collect cans and bottles for teach them young thingy. So I found this rubbish bag and put everything inside. Wow... Soon damn heavy. So I carried it on my bag and the stupid Belle was like "HOHOHO!!! SANTA CLAUS!!!" All the way to class. Haiz... Then when they opened the bag they found a SQUASHED DEAD LIZARD right at the bottom of the bag! I was carrying it all the time! EEEWWW!!! Gross... AH I LOVE SCHOOL!!! Kaleidoscope talk today said have to accept changes. Well, maybe that's just fate. To *censored*, don't be too sad... Accept reality and changes, k? You can't change them! I believe you can do it! Jiayou!!! I CAN'T WAIT TILL THERE'S SCHOOL!!! AH~Still don't wanna graduate. I feel so sad and depressed just thinking bout GRADUATING!!! :( Anyways, got 35/35 for Health Ed quiz! Full marks! I BEAT YOU SHERILYN CHEW AND ESABELLA KOH!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! But too bad got only 28/30 for Social Study Quiz. That freaking Sherilyn and Belle both got ONE mark higher that me! SSSSHHHHIIIITTTT!!! Haha.... Nth to say liao... TAG PPL, TAG!!! Oh ya, my dad's Mooo. Cause we call him cow at home. But don't ask why... Haha... Its snowing there in Mongolia. I haven't seen snow in my life... T_T... But think on the bright side: I'm gonna see it soon!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

For some retarded reason, decided to blog again. OK. So today went to the canteen and saw JG. Then my sis complained when I dragged her off. Said she wanted to"play" with JG. So I called my mum, Said would be back 1/2 hour later. So my sis went off, And I went to take pics. I was feelin' really moody... Can't believe I'm leaving here, SMPS... I told JG I didn't want to leave SMPS. And he said "You should have thought of that earlier! Then can purposely fail your PSLE and retain mah!" And I was like... DIAO??? Haha... And while taking photos, went to B2 and found out that, the dragon tree's branches were... CHOPPED OFF. AARRGGHH!!!! Can't take a photo of it!!! SHIT LAH!!! I loved that tree... *sighs* I took everywhere. Left LVL 2 and 3... And during Conversational Malay, The Random People actually... ASKED WHAT WAS FISHBALL IN MALAY!!! THE WHOLE CLASS WAS LAUGHING!!! Guess I'll have to accompany Belle to 6 Kindness everyday...T_T Cause she wants to find HAN WEN... D.I.A.O.S.S.S.S. Haha... PPL!!! Visit this: http://www.awesome-randomness.blogspot.com/ Blog of... The random people:) This time... REALLY BYEBYE LIAOS!!! Haha!!! ~~~---Jelly---~~~
Hellos PEOPLE!!! Yesterday went to Outram Secondary School for this Financial Literacy Program. It was SO FUN!!! Had to draw ELMO!!! Also have to draw this one-eyed monster and Transformers!!! T_T... LAME. Me and Sherilyn just kept laughing and laughing and laughing when we were drawing Elmo! Haha... I've learnt to think on the bright side of everything! LOL! Remember camp had to bathe with a hose, and the water was totally FREEZING!!! So PRINCESS SHERILYN was complaining so I said:"Shut up Sherilyn! Bear in mind: PPL in the 3rd world don't even have the chance to bathe!" Then camping the food. Veggies(eww). So ALL THE PRINCESSESS FROM MY GROUP(except for me and Christabel) were complaining about all the veggies. (Charlotte even cried when Ms Goh 'forced' her to eat the veggies) So I was like: "People in the 3rd world are starving!!! They would even eat shit!!! You're lucky to have veggies!!!" That was kindda lame... Haha. During camp I've been a bit mad. I kept shouting that I want to be a bird. Actually maybe because they can fly. But I want to soar and acheive what I want. I believe I can be a bird, and fly. [Random people, don't laugh:)] Nothing to say... Haha... Bye~~~ ~~~~~Jelly~~~~~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

HELLO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!! Gosh, I'm starting to sound more and more like Sherilyn! T_T... Today, let me tell you the history of ME AND MY DARLING CCA: BRASS BAND!!! I came to Singapore at P3. So duh, I was totally unaware of Singlish and English. Haha. I remember sitting with Isabella, Leena, Regi and Hanna Stone. My partner was Kendra, and I calles her Penguin cause she had a "I am cheerful badge with this penguin on it." And during Mother Tongue class I sat with Zaneta. And she was so funny. She scribbled on the front page of her Chinese Spelling book:lao shi wo ai ni(Teacher I love you) and during spelling when she didn't know how to write the word she fill the blanks with weird signs and sometimes pictures. She will go"How to write AH?" Then draw and draw and laugh to herself. I used to think she was mad... Haha. Then CCA. I didn't know what was that cause there was no such thing in Malaysia. So my dad explained a little after he went to ask Ms Kok (Ms Kok was also my form teacher in P3) he told me briefly bout it. So I put IT club as first, Art Club as second and Science and Environmental club as third. I got into Art. Then I got somehow bored and sick of it and so my dad went to find Ms Seng. She gave me only 3 choices: Band, Harmonica or Choir. I didn't know what Choir or harmonica meant. My dad said band meant drums. So I just said band. Little did I know I would get such pleasure in it. When Zaneta saw me in band she was like"Oh! You also in band ah? I thought that I was going to be the only band girl from 3 Hope." So both of us were "forced" to play the cornet. And I didn't really understand English. I didn't know what they were talking about. So I wanted to quit(again) but Mrs Teo was very kind. She said she could transfer me to the Seniors group on Wednesday. I didn't understand what "seniors" meant. So I was like huh? She said drums, bells... So I just went. And my sister was in Mrs Teo's class so she joined me too. Then the following week I was very quiet with the seniors. They were very very rowdy. Then during Mother Tongue class Zaneta told me that Mrs Teo was going to transfer her to percussion cause she can't blow. Then the next week I remember that Zaneta, my sister and me were supposed to pull the chairs and bang our drumsticks on them while the rest quarreled. There was JingYi, JiaYu, Peanut and Vanessa. It was so funny. They like to shout alot. The three of us were very quiet. Except that Zaneta kept whispering to me alot bout them. Haha. I remembered Mr Lim said that my rhythm wasn't very good so I learnt to play the bells, my sister played the triangle since she was so young, and Zaneta went to play the ??? Bass Drum I think... Haha. SYF came and went. Then we practiced Celebrata. I was totally sick of playing the Bells for all the scores. So Peanut had trouble teaching Kimbella the Bass Drum, so she taught me, then next time I could teach Kimbella in future, since Peanut was gonna leave school. So I learnt. and Mr Goh thought that I played very well so he tranfered me to Bass Drum and invited Janice to play the bells, since she was Grade 8. And Zaneta went to play the timpani. She was so funny. She always say that she didn't want to play. Then after a while she told me that she liked playing it. Haha. Changes very quickly eh? So I memorised the whole Bass Drum score already. So when I watched Mr Goh teaching Yanty the snare drum part, he told me to learn too since Yanty was probably too young. For your onfo, she was P2 last year. A P2 drummer is a bit... Too young... like that... So Mr Goh went"one, two and a three e and a four..." Very fast. And I mean very. I remember that both of us were baffled. Haha. But soon I learnt. And Mr Goh told me and Zan to decide who plays what. Zan said she reckons I should. Yanty didn't want such a responsability to play the snare drum too. So I played Snare Drum, Yanty Bass Drum, and Zan timpani. Then the next score came. Sunset by the lakeside. I didn't exactly know how to play a drum set. So Mr Goh taught me. I learnt slowly... Then I knew how already... So it had such a long history... In my dear SMPS... And I guess the friend I knew for the longest was Zaneta. Just thinking of the old band days make me want to laugh. But as for now(sighs), they are over. I'm GRADUATING!!! *BOOHOO* :( I MISS BAND FOREVER!!! :(
Hellos, everyone!!! ***Note to S.C.X.X(Sherilyn Chew Xi Xian!)*** Your shoulder is gonna be in SERIOUS TROUBLE>>> Its gonna be hurtin' LIKE HELL... CAUSE I'LL USE A FISHBALL TO WHACK IT!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! anyway, CAMP WAS SOOOOO GREAT! SOOOOOO FUN!!! haha. JUst love talking crap all dae LONG I have facebook now. If u haf add me k. ____JELLY_____

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tomorrow-CAMP!!! Actually I very lame. I DIDN'T KNOW UNTIL MONDAY. When Sherilyn told me. AIYO!!! I'm feelin' nervous.... Haha. ME AND SHERILYN ARE THE ONLY P6 PAT GIRLS IN THE CAMP GROUP!!! At least I know some people. I'm gonna bring my handphone:) But somehow must use very carefully. LATER NO BATTERY. I just want to snap photos. I love taking of photos of weird stuff. Like...? Um... School, cars, aeroplanes??? Or even fork and spoon and cups and bowls and plates. But I end up deleting them. Haha. I just find them kindda fun. So my mum suggest me studying tecnology when I grow up. So I said ok, and she said: TO JAPAN!!! WOW! Cause Japan's tecnology is good. So I think I study, then work, then become missionary lorhs. Haha.... I know this is kindda lame la. But I want to study music also... See fist larh! Sometimes we just have too many ambitions. Sometimes we just don't have ANY. Pathetic! Haha... Life is just like that. Haha...... Haha. HAHAHAHA! I'm gonna go mad someday, cause of Freak(Sherilyn) and BBK(Esabella) and Fishball(Amanda Yang). ME? I'm RAMBUTAN!!! MUAHAHAHAAH!! Angeline Tan the Rambutan mah... You know what I love during camping? PACKING UP!! I dunno why, I find it kindda fun?! Haha~~ These few days I keep singing to myself. Sherilyn complained to me. SO I SHALL ANNOY HER DURING CAMP!!! Esabella and Han Wen would be talking crap all day long! But so would me and Sherilyn:). I'm gonna sleep with the 3 of them:) OMG!!! CAMP'S GONNA BE REAL GOOD!!! But some people are upset. In my class. Like WaiYee, SooJi, etc... CAUSE: The aren't in the same group. But think on the bright side: AT LEAST YOU'RE ALL GOING FOR THE CAMP! I'm learning to think on the bright side. Haha. I just want to smile! Cause that its not whether we have problems, but whether we are able to accept them. I'm gonna bring a few toys there. In actual fact I'm childish. Just ever since being with Sherwyn and Janice, I've stop playing and fooling round. Like with BBK and CL:)(CL=Chocolate Lover=Fatty=Freak=Sherilyn Chew) Today conversational Malay, we learnt to make ketupat. And after one hour, few people were nearly done, SHERILYN WAS STILL AT HER FIRST STEP! I'm laughing now~~~ And my mum just walked past and she said Crazy ah? Laughing for no reason. WAAAA~!!! I can't stop laughing!!!! She kept saying Rumble Rumb Twitch! Then sitting on the floor and laughing like siao. But all the same, I soon laughed and sitting on the floor. :) I guess this is what JG meant by choosing the right frens? Those who make you feel happy with them? I JUST WANT TO SMILE!!! Thank you, thank you for giving me... A lease of new life, and plenty of smiles... But still, She's my best friend. And I'm definite of that. OKOK!!! Haf to go now! Maybe talk tonight? OK BB!! But maybe tonight watch Naruto. I haven't started yet. So maybe on Saturday. I'll have so much to say bout the camp! *Oh Judith Ow, Don't worry, I'll keep annoying Sherilyn And mess up her hair, And whack her shoulder. You know what shoulder means, Don't cha, Sherilyn? :) -Fat Jelly Rambutan Fishball??!! *I'm random:)

Monday, October 13, 2008

I feel weird today. Haha. Cause THERE IS SUPPOSED TO BE BAND!! AND MY DRUM SET! MY DEAREST DRUM SET!!! Haha... Anyway, the graduation photo is at the DRAGON TREE>>> Hah! Too bad if you dunno where or what is it! Sms me if you wanna know. Priya was wearing a cloak, Belle holding a sword, and me wearing an amulet? Haha. Too bad for Sherilyn! She had nothing!!! oh, and Belle+Priya and HanWen encouraged me to watch Naruto. Since PSLE is over, and I'm soooo free, and I can talk to them bout it, WHY NOT GIVE IT A TRY!? Wooooh! I'm gonna watch NARUTO! I love myself so much today! Hmmm. Wonder what Japanese songs are nice? Priya introduced me some. I'll go try them out, haha. Anyway, taewangshashinggi(Pronounced as teh-oh-sha-shing-gi in korean), in Japanese style is pretty cool. Try it for yourself. I have in my blog under the songs section. Damn GOOD! HOW I LOVE MYSELF SO MUCH! And Im adding in my tagboard. SO PLEASE TAG! -Angeline Tan the rambutan:)
Guess where am I now? In S.C.H.O.O.L!!! Muahahahaha!!! Playing comp in school!!! But then is not secretly larh... Aiyo... So annoying. I AM ONLY WITH SHERILYN IN THE CAMP GROUP!!! ***Boohoooooooo*** And I want to be with Belle and Han Wen and maybe SooJi and Katie and... WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! My CAMP!!! Then for our graduation photos: Me, Sherilyn, Belle and Priya... We chose a place that I BET NO ONE WOULD CHOOSE!!! (for your info, its not the toilet)... Its place that brings back P4 memories... Haha. I want to cry... We're GRADUATING SOON!!! OMG. I can't believe the happy days are now all over!!! And what's worse, there's NO BAND! Can DIE!!! Today not going out anymore... Cause JG got something on lar... Change to nxt wk Tues or Wed.. There's so much to do! I wanna keep my last days in SMPS fun... I'll miss you, -Sherilyn! -Belle! -Han Wen! -Soo Ji! -Sherwyn! -Janice! -Phoebe! And everyone else! BOO HOO!!!! Please go to SMSS, these ppl! Haha, --Angeline Tan the RAMBUTAN!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wow... Sherilyn's BBQ was AWESOME!!! Only me and Soo Ji went(pathetic!) and Sherilyn's sister's 16 frens!!! Sherilyn invited so few people... Haha. TOLFI(Sherilyn's doggie)IS SO CUTE!!! Haha... When we were eating she kept coming close to beg for food. Awwwww.... Anyway, Sherilyn's sister's frens went to SQUEEZE INTO HER SISTER"S ROOM!!! So when we were having pillow fight in Sherilyn's room, you can hear totally AWFUL SINGING coming out from the room. LOLX! HAHA.... Anyway, after the BBQ we saw Tolfi LICKING THE BBQ GRILL!!! Haha.... She was so cute... And then Sherilyn's mum was like "TOLFI! DON'T GO THERE! YOU WANT TO BECOME A HOT DOG IS IT?!" Then we laughed and laughed and laughed. Oh anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESABELLA!!! Going to Belle's church today... I hope I can continue blogging tonight... Haha... Have to continue making STARS... HAHA!!! BB!!! :) -JeLlY:)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

PSLE Is Over!!!

Wow! How fast time travels! PSLE is over! I can finally devote myself to band, hanging out with friends, and blogging!!! Today was SIMPLY GREAT!!! Tobad for those who didn't take Higher Mother Toungue. After collecting the papers, everyone was smiling and Sherilyn kept saying"YES! YES!" in loud whispers. There was alot of giggling around too. Then the external invigilator was like for those involved tomorrow... And everyone was like "huh?", and he flashed at the screen: Highest Mother Tongue 10th October 2008 8.00a.m. to 10a.m. Highest Chinese, Highest Malay and Highest Tamil. And then there was silence. Then giggling. Then everyone bursted out into laughter. The examiner smiled and said:"Now then you all laugh. You all really think have such thing ah? PSLE is... OVER!!!" Then there was applause and screaming and cheering. [Clap] "WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" "AHHHHHHHHH!" and so on. It was so damn funny. Then met up with Sherilyn, Priya, Esabella, and Han Wen. We kept talking and laughing. The we formed a circle, and run round and round! We laugh and let go of our hands and fell down, laughing like crazy. Really, it was fun to hang out with these people cause they are as talkative and mad as me. :) Then I talked to Sherilyn as we carried our tables and chairs up to 6 Joy. Me: Aren't you just glad that PSLE is over? Sherilyn: [Sighs] Who said so? Me: Huh? Sherilyn: We still have to take Highest Mother Tongue remember? Me: What the?! [Both laughed like crazy] Me: But seriously. I am so glad. :) [Reached 6 Joy, arranged tables] Esabella: Hey you guys! Come over here!!! Me and Sherilyn: What? Esabella[holds up this mini spin-the-wheel thingy]: This was fishball's egg!!! [Me, Belle(Esabella) and Sherilyn laughed till we had stiches] Then after arranging...... Five of us[Belle, Sherilyn, Han Wen, Priya and me] spread out our arms wide and ran down, screaming"PSLE IS OVER! PSLE IS OVER!" Then we ran all across the hall, spreading our arms and jumping over bags, screaming and shouting in glee. Then Esabella sent me a joke on my handphone: How Did Dinosaurs Die. Once, when dinosaurs existed, cavemen existed too. They had prehistoric car racing, F1 [Food 1], where they competed for food. At that time, they had no traffic lights or rules, so they anyhow crashed anywhere, mostly into dinosaurs. So when the cars crashed them, they died. The meteorite was to cremate dead dinosaurs, however, the live ones also died because they were roasted by the meteorite. Poor guys :-( Anyway, Belle sent me that because all five of us are crazy bout F1[Formula 1](Not Food 1, hehe). Upon hearing the word F1 we would scream and shout. All because of... ***Secret*** Anyway: Thursday[Today]: Plaza Singapura with Sherwyn Friday: Band!!! Saturday: BBQ at Sherilyn's house Sunday: Church with Belle. I can't wait! So many things to do just RIGHT AFTER PSLE!!! Too bad Sherwyn's mum didn't allow her to go. Too bad, I guess... I hope there would be more. It would be so fun to hang out with friends. Especially when you are close with them, and it's very fun to feel open and scream, instead of feeling awkward. [That's how I used to feel to Sherwyn and Janice. When I'm with them, I hardly talk. I don't know why, but I feel kindda awkward.] I can't wait! And after all the fun in the hall today, I feel that: today must have been the best day of my life. Friends are really treasures, aren't they?