Tuesday, October 21, 2008

HELLO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!! Gosh, I'm starting to sound more and more like Sherilyn! T_T... Today, let me tell you the history of ME AND MY DARLING CCA: BRASS BAND!!! I came to Singapore at P3. So duh, I was totally unaware of Singlish and English. Haha. I remember sitting with Isabella, Leena, Regi and Hanna Stone. My partner was Kendra, and I calles her Penguin cause she had a "I am cheerful badge with this penguin on it." And during Mother Tongue class I sat with Zaneta. And she was so funny. She scribbled on the front page of her Chinese Spelling book:lao shi wo ai ni(Teacher I love you) and during spelling when she didn't know how to write the word she fill the blanks with weird signs and sometimes pictures. She will go"How to write AH?" Then draw and draw and laugh to herself. I used to think she was mad... Haha. Then CCA. I didn't know what was that cause there was no such thing in Malaysia. So my dad explained a little after he went to ask Ms Kok (Ms Kok was also my form teacher in P3) he told me briefly bout it. So I put IT club as first, Art Club as second and Science and Environmental club as third. I got into Art. Then I got somehow bored and sick of it and so my dad went to find Ms Seng. She gave me only 3 choices: Band, Harmonica or Choir. I didn't know what Choir or harmonica meant. My dad said band meant drums. So I just said band. Little did I know I would get such pleasure in it. When Zaneta saw me in band she was like"Oh! You also in band ah? I thought that I was going to be the only band girl from 3 Hope." So both of us were "forced" to play the cornet. And I didn't really understand English. I didn't know what they were talking about. So I wanted to quit(again) but Mrs Teo was very kind. She said she could transfer me to the Seniors group on Wednesday. I didn't understand what "seniors" meant. So I was like huh? She said drums, bells... So I just went. And my sister was in Mrs Teo's class so she joined me too. Then the following week I was very quiet with the seniors. They were very very rowdy. Then during Mother Tongue class Zaneta told me that Mrs Teo was going to transfer her to percussion cause she can't blow. Then the next week I remember that Zaneta, my sister and me were supposed to pull the chairs and bang our drumsticks on them while the rest quarreled. There was JingYi, JiaYu, Peanut and Vanessa. It was so funny. They like to shout alot. The three of us were very quiet. Except that Zaneta kept whispering to me alot bout them. Haha. I remembered Mr Lim said that my rhythm wasn't very good so I learnt to play the bells, my sister played the triangle since she was so young, and Zaneta went to play the ??? Bass Drum I think... Haha. SYF came and went. Then we practiced Celebrata. I was totally sick of playing the Bells for all the scores. So Peanut had trouble teaching Kimbella the Bass Drum, so she taught me, then next time I could teach Kimbella in future, since Peanut was gonna leave school. So I learnt. and Mr Goh thought that I played very well so he tranfered me to Bass Drum and invited Janice to play the bells, since she was Grade 8. And Zaneta went to play the timpani. She was so funny. She always say that she didn't want to play. Then after a while she told me that she liked playing it. Haha. Changes very quickly eh? So I memorised the whole Bass Drum score already. So when I watched Mr Goh teaching Yanty the snare drum part, he told me to learn too since Yanty was probably too young. For your onfo, she was P2 last year. A P2 drummer is a bit... Too young... like that... So Mr Goh went"one, two and a three e and a four..." Very fast. And I mean very. I remember that both of us were baffled. Haha. But soon I learnt. And Mr Goh told me and Zan to decide who plays what. Zan said she reckons I should. Yanty didn't want such a responsability to play the snare drum too. So I played Snare Drum, Yanty Bass Drum, and Zan timpani. Then the next score came. Sunset by the lakeside. I didn't exactly know how to play a drum set. So Mr Goh taught me. I learnt slowly... Then I knew how already... So it had such a long history... In my dear SMPS... And I guess the friend I knew for the longest was Zaneta. Just thinking of the old band days make me want to laugh. But as for now(sighs), they are over. I'm GRADUATING!!! *BOOHOO* :( I MISS BAND FOREVER!!! :(

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