Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tomorrow-CAMP!!! Actually I very lame. I DIDN'T KNOW UNTIL MONDAY. When Sherilyn told me. AIYO!!! I'm feelin' nervous.... Haha. ME AND SHERILYN ARE THE ONLY P6 PAT GIRLS IN THE CAMP GROUP!!! At least I know some people. I'm gonna bring my handphone:) But somehow must use very carefully. LATER NO BATTERY. I just want to snap photos. I love taking of photos of weird stuff. Like...? Um... School, cars, aeroplanes??? Or even fork and spoon and cups and bowls and plates. But I end up deleting them. Haha. I just find them kindda fun. So my mum suggest me studying tecnology when I grow up. So I said ok, and she said: TO JAPAN!!! WOW! Cause Japan's tecnology is good. So I think I study, then work, then become missionary lorhs. Haha.... I know this is kindda lame la. But I want to study music also... See fist larh! Sometimes we just have too many ambitions. Sometimes we just don't have ANY. Pathetic! Haha... Life is just like that. Haha...... Haha. HAHAHAHA! I'm gonna go mad someday, cause of Freak(Sherilyn) and BBK(Esabella) and Fishball(Amanda Yang). ME? I'm RAMBUTAN!!! MUAHAHAHAAH!! Angeline Tan the Rambutan mah... You know what I love during camping? PACKING UP!! I dunno why, I find it kindda fun?! Haha~~ These few days I keep singing to myself. Sherilyn complained to me. SO I SHALL ANNOY HER DURING CAMP!!! Esabella and Han Wen would be talking crap all day long! But so would me and Sherilyn:). I'm gonna sleep with the 3 of them:) OMG!!! CAMP'S GONNA BE REAL GOOD!!! But some people are upset. In my class. Like WaiYee, SooJi, etc... CAUSE: The aren't in the same group. But think on the bright side: AT LEAST YOU'RE ALL GOING FOR THE CAMP! I'm learning to think on the bright side. Haha. I just want to smile! Cause that its not whether we have problems, but whether we are able to accept them. I'm gonna bring a few toys there. In actual fact I'm childish. Just ever since being with Sherwyn and Janice, I've stop playing and fooling round. Like with BBK and CL:)(CL=Chocolate Lover=Fatty=Freak=Sherilyn Chew) Today conversational Malay, we learnt to make ketupat. And after one hour, few people were nearly done, SHERILYN WAS STILL AT HER FIRST STEP! I'm laughing now~~~ And my mum just walked past and she said Crazy ah? Laughing for no reason. WAAAA~!!! I can't stop laughing!!!! She kept saying Rumble Rumb Twitch! Then sitting on the floor and laughing like siao. But all the same, I soon laughed and sitting on the floor. :) I guess this is what JG meant by choosing the right frens? Those who make you feel happy with them? I JUST WANT TO SMILE!!! Thank you, thank you for giving me... A lease of new life, and plenty of smiles... But still, She's my best friend. And I'm definite of that. OKOK!!! Haf to go now! Maybe talk tonight? OK BB!! But maybe tonight watch Naruto. I haven't started yet. So maybe on Saturday. I'll have so much to say bout the camp! *Oh Judith Ow, Don't worry, I'll keep annoying Sherilyn And mess up her hair, And whack her shoulder. You know what shoulder means, Don't cha, Sherilyn? :) -Fat Jelly Rambutan Fishball??!! *I'm random:)

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