Thursday, October 9, 2008

PSLE Is Over!!!

Wow! How fast time travels! PSLE is over! I can finally devote myself to band, hanging out with friends, and blogging!!! Today was SIMPLY GREAT!!! Tobad for those who didn't take Higher Mother Toungue. After collecting the papers, everyone was smiling and Sherilyn kept saying"YES! YES!" in loud whispers. There was alot of giggling around too. Then the external invigilator was like for those involved tomorrow... And everyone was like "huh?", and he flashed at the screen: Highest Mother Tongue 10th October 2008 8.00a.m. to 10a.m. Highest Chinese, Highest Malay and Highest Tamil. And then there was silence. Then giggling. Then everyone bursted out into laughter. The examiner smiled and said:"Now then you all laugh. You all really think have such thing ah? PSLE is... OVER!!!" Then there was applause and screaming and cheering. [Clap] "WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" "AHHHHHHHHH!" and so on. It was so damn funny. Then met up with Sherilyn, Priya, Esabella, and Han Wen. We kept talking and laughing. The we formed a circle, and run round and round! We laugh and let go of our hands and fell down, laughing like crazy. Really, it was fun to hang out with these people cause they are as talkative and mad as me. :) Then I talked to Sherilyn as we carried our tables and chairs up to 6 Joy. Me: Aren't you just glad that PSLE is over? Sherilyn: [Sighs] Who said so? Me: Huh? Sherilyn: We still have to take Highest Mother Tongue remember? Me: What the?! [Both laughed like crazy] Me: But seriously. I am so glad. :) [Reached 6 Joy, arranged tables] Esabella: Hey you guys! Come over here!!! Me and Sherilyn: What? Esabella[holds up this mini spin-the-wheel thingy]: This was fishball's egg!!! [Me, Belle(Esabella) and Sherilyn laughed till we had stiches] Then after arranging...... Five of us[Belle, Sherilyn, Han Wen, Priya and me] spread out our arms wide and ran down, screaming"PSLE IS OVER! PSLE IS OVER!" Then we ran all across the hall, spreading our arms and jumping over bags, screaming and shouting in glee. Then Esabella sent me a joke on my handphone: How Did Dinosaurs Die. Once, when dinosaurs existed, cavemen existed too. They had prehistoric car racing, F1 [Food 1], where they competed for food. At that time, they had no traffic lights or rules, so they anyhow crashed anywhere, mostly into dinosaurs. So when the cars crashed them, they died. The meteorite was to cremate dead dinosaurs, however, the live ones also died because they were roasted by the meteorite. Poor guys :-( Anyway, Belle sent me that because all five of us are crazy bout F1[Formula 1](Not Food 1, hehe). Upon hearing the word F1 we would scream and shout. All because of... ***Secret*** Anyway: Thursday[Today]: Plaza Singapura with Sherwyn Friday: Band!!! Saturday: BBQ at Sherilyn's house Sunday: Church with Belle. I can't wait! So many things to do just RIGHT AFTER PSLE!!! Too bad Sherwyn's mum didn't allow her to go. Too bad, I guess... I hope there would be more. It would be so fun to hang out with friends. Especially when you are close with them, and it's very fun to feel open and scream, instead of feeling awkward. [That's how I used to feel to Sherwyn and Janice. When I'm with them, I hardly talk. I don't know why, but I feel kindda awkward.] I can't wait! And after all the fun in the hall today, I feel that: today must have been the best day of my life. Friends are really treasures, aren't they?

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