Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hey heys people! Today I'm meeting Purevnyam to go ice-skating! So excited sia. And yesterday went out the whole day! So fun! We went to this arcade and played games! Then I spotted a familiar looking machine... It was for safari catching thingy... Then it occured to me: Belle's mum once took me to play a game like that in arcade in Singapore! Ah~Then me and my went to take neo-print! Two times... And they provided costumes for us! So first time I was dressed up as a magician and my sister as a bunny. Then the second time I was a Devil and my sister was an Angel! Haha. The fisrt time the pictures were FANTASTIC. The second time we used a different machine and the picturs were a DISASTER. Ew... And somemore, they dun allow you to decorate! The ppl are supposed to help you sia... And then one of the pics during the second round the woman help us do and put the word FRIENDSHIP. EXCUSE ME?! We are SISTERS! I'm thinking of taking Purevnyam to take neo-print later on... It'll be fun fun fun! Then go back to Singapore will drag the Random People to take too... GOSH, IT'LL BE TOTALLY RANDOM! WOOO! Then Sherwyn and Janice too... I totally miss everyone. Maybe even FISHBALL. Haha. Yup, it's kinndea fun with her around. And miss BAND. Haha. I'm learning to look on the bright side of everything... And then just found out that maybe living here isn't so bad after all. My dad's going to enroll me into IT and MUSIC school. MY TWO FAVS! *YEAH!* Wooo! So excited for EVERYTHING. And last night went to Japanese Restaurant and had dinner! Pics! *This set of food belongs to my dad* * This WHOLE set belongs to me*
*SEE!? I ate so much... Pig. T_T*
Haha. My mum got noodles but I didn't bother to take a picture of that. My sister didn't order anything, but stole our food. *MY PORK!* She stole my mum's noodles, my dad's sushi and my pork. *Sniff* Haha. But yesterday was exciting. I bought new gloves. They re PINK! I like pink! Haha. But I still prefer orange, black and white. LOLS. Then I saw this bag. It's SO PRETTY! I wanted to buy it but my mum said next time. Oh well. Its reall so beautiful. It'll go with my shorts and skirts in SINGAPORE. It won't go with my winter jacket though. I'll look so fat. My mum promised to get it for me before we go back to Singapore! Yipee! Haha.
OK, I've GTG! Sayonara! <3
aNgeLiNe :D

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