Friday, November 28, 2008

HaiHai! Phoebe tagged me to do these to quizzes... Sortta *Thanks* CAUSE I AM SO BORED. Quiz 1. Rule 1: People who have tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new new question. Rule 2: Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag back the person but to continue this with other people. start time: 9:21 pm 1. Do you have secrets? Yes... 2. Would you fall in love with a girl older than you? I.AM.SO.NOT.LES. 3. Do you enjoy going school? SCHOOL!!! <333 4. What will you do with a billion dollars? 1) Become a missionary. 2) Use the money to help others not as fortunate as us. 5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend's stead? Nahs. Even if I do, GIVE IT UP. 6. If you have to choose one person between your best friend and girlfriend, who will you choose? Best friend lahs. I'm not even les lorhs. 7. List out your 20 favorite songs: 01. Laugh Away 02. Life 03. Goodbye Days 04. Its Happy Line 05. Lead Me To The Cross 06. Photograph 07. God Is A Girl 08. Moonlight Shadow 09. 7 Years And 50 Days 10. Bleeding Love 11. Bleeding Heart 12. Check Yes Juliet 13. Hey Juliet 14. Too Little Too Late 15. Leave (OOOO!!! BELLA!!! REMEMBER THIS?! HAHA!!!) 16. Step Up 17. Jenny 18. Happy Brithday 19. Angel To You Devil To Me 20. About A Girl a)Which is your favourite song? Nearly everything?! Haha. b)Which one do you think is most inspiring? Inspiring ahs? Everthing lorhs. Haha. c)Which one have you known for the longest time? God Is A Girl 8. List 20 friends. 01.God 02.Jesus 03.ZanZan 04.BelleBelle 05.SooJi 06.Phoebe 07.Katie 08.Megan G 09.Megan L 10.SeoRin 11.JG 12.Mrs JG*Ahem, you saw that right* 13. Sherwyn 14. Janice 15. WaiYee 16. Priya 17. FHW (AKA Fang Han Wen) 18. Dion 19. Aya 20. Rebecca a)Which is your favourite friend? The first four. Haha. No offence to the others... b)Do you think 3&17 will be best friends ? ZanZan and FHW? I DOUBT IT TOTALLY c) Which one do you think is the most popular? I don't choose friends according to popularity... d) Whick one do you think is the prettiest? Pretty or ugly doesn't matter. e)Which 2 friends do you think will make the best couple? *Oh please God, I pray that none of them are les...* 9. Is there sth that made you extremely happy? YES! 10. Who is your favorite singer/actor? Click Five, Jojo, Yui, Olivia... Actor will be... ??? 11. How do you see yourself 10 years ago? A fat, crybaby, sleepyheaded pig. 12. Who is currently the most important person to you? GOD :D 13.whats the most important thing in your life? GOD, family, and friends <3 14. Which is important? Family or Career? I have to say, depends on my career... 15. What is your favorite color? Black! White! Orange! 16. Would you give your all in a relationship? depends... 17. If two different person fall in love with you, who will you choose? Depends... 18. Would you forgive the person who betrayed you? YES. *I'm very forgiving* JKJK... 19.what will u tell the person you love? I'll answer this 10 years later. Haha. 20.10ppl i tagged? Must be 10 ahs? Haha. BELLE BELLE. YOU BETTER ADMIT WAD YOU SAID TO YOUR BOYFRIEND. Sherrifreak, FHW, Priya, Sherwyn, Janice, dunno, dunno, dunno and dunno. Haha. Feelin' random lahs. NEXT QUIZ! Quiz 2 1. The rules of the game gets posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3.At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting time: 5.15pm Sisters: 1 Brothers: 0 Shoes size: 37 Height: 151cm Where you live: *Sniff* half Singapore and half Mongolia. favourite drinks: COKE! (BELLA, DONT LAUGH) favourite breakfast: I'm a pig... ALOT. BREAD, MILO, COFFEE, CEREAL, BISCUIT... TOO MANY. CANT NAME ALL T_T Have you ever; Been on a plane: YEAH! IN FACT, JUST YESTERDAY. Swam in an ocean: SORTTA Fallen asleep at school: TO ADMIT, YES. AT P2. BUT IT WAS THE TEACHER'S FAULT. TALK SO MUCH NONSENSE... SO BORING. Broken Someone's heart: I dont really know... Fell off your chair: YES! IT WAS FUN! Waited for someone to call: YUPP... NOW, NO. NO ONE WOULD. I'M IN MONGOLIA! saved emails: YEAH. what is your room like: DAMN CUTE. HAHA. What is the last time you ate: lunch! ATE ALOT. PIG T_T Ever had: Chicken pox: YES. IT WAS HORRIBLE. Sore throat: YES. BUT I LOVED THE MEDICINE! Stitches: NO... :D Broken nose: NO WAY. Do you believe in love at first sight: ITS STUPID FANTASY... Like picnics: YESH. :D Who was/were the last person you danced with: DANCE? I FORGOT THE NAME SIA. IT WAS IN KINDERGARDEN... Last made you smile: TALKING TO THAT ZANZAN BOUT PIGS... today did you : Talk to someone you like: currently, yeah. ZANZAN LAHS. HAha kiss anyone: My dad and mum. Yupp, I'm damn close to my family. :D talk to an ex: EX WAD? Miss someone: YEAH. BELLE BELLE KOH SHENG TING! Eat: ATE TOO MUCH. PIG. Best feeling in the world: YES. *CENSORED* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I'm CHILDISH. I HAVE TO SAY... YES. EVERYDAY, IN FACT. Whats under your bed: DUST Who do you really hate: *CENSORED* IN CASE IT HURTS OTHERS>.< What time is it now: 5.24 you have any siblings: ONE ANNOYING SISTER. Do you want children: SEE HOW FIRST. Do you smile often: IF I DON'T SMILE, I CAN DIE. Do you like your hand-writing: YUPP. ITS ME! Are your toe nails painted: NAHS. Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: NO ONE?! What color shirt are you wearing now: BLACK! :D What were you doing at 7.00 p.m.: Its not 7 pm yet. When did you cry last: PSLE RESULTS... Are you friendly: :D WAD DO YOU THINK LEHS? :D Do you have any pets: Nibbles!!! DIED LIAOS. :'( Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: Nahs. Do you sleep with the TV on: SOMETIMES. What are you doing right now: Talking to ZANZAN... DOING quiz... Have you ever crawled through a window: WOOO!!! FUN FUN FUN! Are you closer to your mother or father: BOTH. WE'RE CLOSE FAMILY! :D Who was the last person you cried in front of: P6es... RESULTS. HAHA How many people can you say you've really loved: 7. ONLY SEVEN. God, Jesus, Dad, Mum, Sis, Zan, Belle. Do you eat healthy: I can't resist good food... Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: WAD EX LAHS?! Did you cry because of something someone said to you: YES. If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: God, Jesus, Belle, ZANZAN! <333 5 things I was doing 10 years ago: EATING, CRYING, SLEEPING, CRAWLING, LAUGHING... PIGGY STUFF. 5 things on my to-do list today: PLAY COMP! Study, write letters, EAT, SLEEP. :D 5 snacks I enjoy: BUBBLEGUM. BUBBLETEA. SUSHI. STEAK. KIMCHI. *ALOT MORE* If I were a billionaire: 1. Become missionary. 2. Help ppl less fortunate than us. 5 of my bad points: Eat too much, Talk too much, Play comp too much, Laugh too much and Sleep too much. PIG. TAGGING: ZanZan, BelleBelle, Sherrifreak, Sherwyn, Janice. ----End!----

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