Monday, November 10, 2008

TODAY! Haha... HEALTH ZONE. SO FUN! And I tell you, that Belle, SHE SAID ALOT OF SICKENING THINGS TODAY! (I SOOO WOULD NOT MENTION WHAT) One word to describe her? Corrupted:) Anyway, MY BAND LIFE IS OVER. And I still refuse to accept reality. Haha. In a few more days, my SMPS life is ALSO OVER. I feel so scared... I don't know what to do... Before I left, I just keep looking at my drum set and all around the band room. I wonder when I can ever see Mr Goh, Mr Chong and Mrs Goh standing in front, conducting lessons, with the usual friendly band atmosphere... And all the laughter and smiles from the students... And my dear drum set, Zan's dear timpani... Haha. Anyway, stupid JG(<---Band teacher, Mr Goh) gave us the band pics, and on my envelope he wrote Angeline. His handwriting DAMN UGLY! And he was like Ange Line and held up the paper and said: How do you pronouce this? Ange LINE! Then Zan's one even worse. He wrote BIG BIG there ZAN ZAN! Haha! And Zan wanted a new envelope, so when JG was busy arguing with her, I snatched up one and passed it to her! It was sooooooo funny. Then after that JG can't fetch us home, he gotta rush back to QiaoNan... Then my sister complained need to go toilet so I just let her... Then saw that Zan had SMSed me! And I didn't see it! (For your info, we are still smsing and not talking, cause it seems more fun!) <<<---IGNORE! And then I TOTALLY FORGOT THE WHOLE BUBBLE TEA THING AND SO I SMSed HER TO WALK SLOWER AND WAIT FOR ME SO I COULD TREAT HER BUBBLE TEA! But SHE NEVER REPLY. THEN CALLED HER. *please leave your message after the tone* Stupid! Haha. Then my sister came out and I told her and WE RAN ALL THE WAY DOWN! Then could not see any sight of Zan... And at the same time OUR BUS CAME! (Bus no. 166) And then I was like: "I think she gone home liao lahs... Her home is right up there... Let's go..." But my sister was like: "Don't give up hope! God will surely help you one!" And I thought it was ridiculous and since we never even see her right? Then I tried calling Zan again... Then my sister was pointing at the entrance of Peace Centre and said:"See! God has helped you!" Then I turned and SAW THAT IT WAS REALLY HER! But of course, we still weren't talking, and Zan was getting Kancang Puteh(Peanuts!) And my sister dragged her all the way to me(Thanks, Piggy!) And Zan was like giving this expression and like "WHAT?" So my sister seemed to know what I was thinking and helped me again(Thanks PIGGY!) "My sister wants to treat you bubble tea, remember?" I smiled and handed my sister my wallet. Before I knew it, she used my money and TREAT HERSELF! !#^*$#@*@)!!! Haha. But nvm... Then that stupid aunty was like "you havent paid for the peppermint one yet!" And I was like huh? I thought I passed my sister all the money? Then aunty checked receipt then we just paid lorhs.... Haha. Then on the bus Zan smsed me saying that the bubble tea was HORRIBLE and she's just eating the pearls! I bursted out laughing at THAT MESSAGE(No Offence!) and then replied her... Hahaz... Ridiculous DAY! I LOVED TODAY! And I found out that I LEFT MY DANCE CLOTHES IN THE BAND ROOM T_T. So tomorrow will get it first thing in the morning. Hahas. And the dance is getting along quite well. Hahas. So GOOD LORH. Choir wearing BLACK! SO GOOD! I LOVE BLACK! My fav colours are Black and Orange... Used to be pink but now dunno why dun like liaos... Haha,,, I can't wait till the day when I come back and visit the band again... Its time to say goodbye... If only I didn't love band so much. Haha. But I've learned to keep myself happy whenever I am(even when I'm being scolded!).. So its quite good. And anyway, basketball tournement tomorrow! Kindness and Patience... GO ALL THE WAY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

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