Monday, November 17, 2008

HeLlOs PeOpLe... I am currently laughing like siao! THIS IS A MUST READ! ENJOY~ Dictionary of 6 Patience<3 A’s Adagietto- Itachi turned into chendol (proof of Esabella’s hearing problems) Amanda Yang- a strange organism with arms and legs. Strong resemblance to yeti/ fishball Amazing- referring to Esabella Annoying- a trait of Amanda Yang Appalled- a term which “pure” people use when listening to Esabella’s impure words Ayam- a Malay term which means ‘chicken’ B’s Ball- 1.a plaything 2.a formal banquet/occasion/gathering 3.enough said… Banana- a tropical yellow fruit, often mistaken for a crescent moon Bananas- crazy/ insane/ mad/ neurotic Bebola Ikan- see Amanda Yang Bird- 1.fowl/ poultry 2.erm…ok enough said Bishba- see Amanda Yang Bluey-cheese hole- 1.Han Wen 2.don’t make me elaborate further… Boing- sound Amanda Yang makes when bouncing (which strikes terror in our hearts) Burp- a sound commonly made by freaks Butt- opportunity to exercise your leg muscles in kicking 2.something which smiles C’s Cake- another word for ‘kick’ Camp- a mass gathering of freaks Cardiac arrest- what Sherilyn goes into when she talks with Esabella for more than half an hour Chendol- what Itachi turned into Chocolate- branded poop (Priya’s definition) Coca-Cola- a worldwide popular soft drink, which is obtained from…ok, never mind. Corrupted- the dominant trait in Esabella Crap- what comes out of Esabella’s mouth D’s Dad- what Esabella calls Han Wen Ding- exclamation made by freaks when smiling Dog- MOMMY!! Doughnut- what Angeline always turns into Dustpans- what we’ll become when we grow up E’s Enigma- the mystery of Esabella’s corruption Esabella- a corrupted ____________ Elmo- a furry red monster from Sesame Street, last seen with a long white beard and wildly waving a random pumpkin basket. Behaving suspiciously, kept screaming, “Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo’s world!” if found, please alert your nearest police station. F’s Fart- 1.a release of methane gas from the negative end 2.Angeline’s favourite hobby Fishball- see Amanda Yang Flying- something we believe we can do Freaks- people with teeny weeny little brains minus the 0.0000001% that controls sanity G’s Garra- enough said Godaime- enough said H’s Haha- a common phrase heard in the classroom Hot- describing weather and weather alone Hysterical- what Sherilyn turns into when she talks too much to Esabella I’s Idiot- a person without a brain (see also: Amanda Yang) Idiotic- a trait of a certain AHEM Impure- referring to Sherilyn (though rarely; To Esabella: “What would you do with the extra one?”) Insane- see mad J’s Jelly- Angeline Joe Jonas- what’s that??? Seriously, what’s that?! Is it a…soft drink??? xD K’s Kevin Jonas- no idea Kitkat- see chocolate L’s Lalalalalalalalala- see Elmo Lollipop- an all-rounded sweet in the shape of a ball M’s Mad- a trait of freaks Mama- what I call Megan G. Michael- a boyfriend of Esabella’s Moron- see Idiot N’s Nap- an hours-long sleep that Esabella falls into nearly every day Nick Jonas- what’s that? Could it be a…sweet? Or maybe a chocolate?? No- Yes O’s Obese- a trait most common in fishballs P’s Pineapple- a human with spiky hair Poo- what comes out of the negative end after eating fishballs Poop-a-poo-la- a soft drink mixed with ‘what comes out of the negative end after eating fishballs’ xD Q’s Queer- a trait of freaks QWERTY- the name of Sherilyn’s keyboard R’s Random stuff- see crap Reasonable- NOT a trait of freaks Retarded- another famous trait of freaks Roll- movement of the fishball without teeny little legs S’s Sensible- Huh? What’s that? Smart- again? Sweet- excuse me? T’s Tweet- what birds say Terrifying- see freaks Toot- enough said U’s United we fall, divided we stand- the universal motto of all freaks Unreasonable- a trait of freaks V’s Velocity- 1.speed 2.a shopping centre 3.speed of freaks rushing there to buy chocolate on the day of the big sale W’s Waddle- the movement of a fishball with teeny little legs Waffle- what we are when we think (I think, therefore I am a waffle.) X’s X? What word starts with X that could possibly be put here?? Y’s Yak- animal 2.talking; a common hobby in the classroom Yawn- a tradition practiced in class, achieved by opening the mouth very wide and taking in as much oxygen as possible while trying to look attentive and innocent Yes- No Zach- A husband of Esabella

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