Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hellos people! Lemme share some pictures of the Graduation Night at Hard Rock Cafe... Gradution Night 2008 Me and Katie <3
Sherwyn, Janice and Charmaine<3> Jolene watching Beatrice playing her PSP <3>
I'm a paparazzi... Caught a pic of our Principal,
Me and WaiYee. Cute? <3>
Fang Han Wen's 'smiley hamburger' face. <3>
Everyone at Hard Rock... <3> Me and Soo Ji hugging each other. So sweet
right? <333> Me and Belle!!! <333
We really had alot of fun. And the perfomances! 6 Joy's one was so good! The true side of 6 Joy. Haha! And I loved ours! Little Red Riding Hood Remix! There was alot of random parts. Like in the beginning... We will now present you... (Phoebe and Me jumps in, pretending to play guitar)
Phoebe: Oh hi! Random guitar player! Long time no see!
Sherwyn and Janice kicks us off. Haha. Then.
Sherwyn: So sorry for the interruption. We will now present you... (NAtalie unties her nair and swish it all around, singing: Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you... <<<--- Pantene shampoo advertisement. Janice shoos her away...)
(Roxanne jumps in, singing: Come and buy MAMA SOAP, CHEAP AND GOOD!)
Sherwyn chases her off and says: SORRY AGAIN FOR THE INTERRUPTION!!!
(Han Wei jumps in, screaming: NICK JONAS! WOOOOOOOOO!!!
HAha. End of randomness in the beginning. Then we were supposed to be chasing Agent Hood, who was a killer. So halfway the grandmother was chasing Roxanne screamed: STOP!!! Then snatches up the umbrella and sings: Come and buy this umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh.. Buy this umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh(Song: Umbrella by Rihanna) Haha!
Overall, the skid was perfect. And the teacher's singing... Look at this video of the teachers singing!!! It's perfect... MUST WATCH! And at the end you can see Ms Kok drying her tears with tissue paper...... WATCH CAREFULLY!!! (:
And then, when it was time to leave, Ms Kok cried... Megan G. cried BADLY. I was wondering why I didn't (haha). Then Phoebe came hugging me and was like "Angeline... Angeline..." And SHE MADE ME CRY. T_T. Then Soo Ji invited me to catch a movie with her and some ppl... So I agreed. Went with Soo Ji, Venessa Liu, Tiffany and Phoebe. We had lots of fun... But I dunno why I felt bad bout not smsing ZanZan... Haha. Hope you didn't get bored!!! Gomme...
And then yesterday went to cathedral. *censored* said it was not touching at all and said she wouldn't cry. Anyways, she did(haha) and VERY BADLY. If she were any normal friend, I would just go and hug her like how I did to SooJi, Belle, Phoebe, Megan G.... etc. and telling her is alright, but THIS CASE WAS DIFFERENT. I just stood there, watching her friends comforting her. I FELT SO HELPLESS. T_T. Then when we left the cathedral I SAW PEANUT AND XINGXING! Even said hi to XingXing, but peanut didn't see me. Haha. The last time I saw her was 9th Of April, BAND SYF!!! Haha. Then went to Raffles with Phoebe and SooJi, and ate SUSHI!!! I got California Roll!!! <333>
Then some ppl come write letter... YESH! Its true that you are not as cute or clever as Belle, but even if YOU were cleverer and cuter, I still won't like you. If you think that was the reason I like Belle, then I tell you :ITS NOT. And nice and cheerful as Megan Lau? That isn't the main reason why I like her too. If YOU were more cheerful and nicer, I still WOULDNT LIKE YOU. And as for not as treasured as Zaneta, there's also a reason why I treasure her so much too. Because when I was hurt in the beginning, YOU only cared bout yourself. YOU only cared whether both of us could be closer and I knew that YOU were hinting bout this "BEST FRIEND" business and figuring out how YOU could be my best friend when I was sad and desperate. When I quarelled with my close friends, I didn't even hear encouragement and comfort from YOU. And from that time, I knew that YOU didn't care bout me but for yourself. YOU wanted to take my best friend position. I KNEW IT ALL ALONG. Because I guessed it, and then once I pretended to tell you, 'YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND," and your expression and actions told me the truth. You didn't care whether I was happy or sad as long as you yourself have me to accompany you and make you LAUGH. While all the time, Zan was the one helping me overcome this tough hurdle. And YOU didn't care. And stop pretending to ACT SO PATHETIC. Like going recess alone. Everytime you just look at me with that face, waiting for me to ask you to go recess with me. You go :"Ah, Angeline..." Then you shut up and look at me in face, waiting for me to say: "Lets go for recess together'' But NO. If you meant what you say when you said you loved me alot as a friend, let me tell you: I don't want a friend like you, but instead a friend like Zaneta and Belle. YOU only share my happiness, but THEY share both my happiness and sadness. Whether laughing with me, or crying with me. Even Belle, when she seems so happy all the time. When I am sad, she puts her arm around my shoulder and gives encouraging words, and she stops all her laughter and nonsense. Her actions just tell me that she cares. And although me and Zaneta hardly talk, she cares. She smsed me, tried hard to put a smile on my face. She even talked to Mr Goh, explaining what happened and she felt worried. Mr Goh told me the truth. And I really appreciated her. YOU? Even lending me something, YOU REFUSED. I? YOUR BEST FRIEND? WHEN OTHERS BORROW SOMETHING FROM YOU, YOU JUST GAVE IT STRAIGHT AWAY BUT WHENBut IT WAS ME, I HAD TO SAY PLEASE. PRETTY PLEASE. And you would say go and ask your FRIEND. I know what it means. You wanted me to say: But you are my friend! But I didn't. I was sick of your digusting attitude. And what did you say in the letter? "From Day 1, I would laugh everyday, be happy. I still am, I suppose, but I would be much happier if only we could be close friends again. Let me tell you: Are you waiting for me to say you are my close friend for your own selfish needs? Do you even care how I felt when you wrote this? Ask Soo Ji and Phoebe what I said at Raffles City when I suddenly remembered and opened the letter. You MADE ME HATE YOU EVEN MORE. "I am VERY HAPPY FOR YOU'' You are just trying to show that you are so nice that you didn't care as long as I am happy and smiling. But what about 'if only we were close friends again?' And stop looking at me straight into my eyes with that PATHETIC LOOK. ITS DIGUSTING. VERY DIGUSTING. When YOU love a friend alot, you should learn to help, not just care how she feels about you. Like me, for instance. I don't really care whether my best friend hates me alot or loves me alot, as long as I love her and trust her. And I care for her in different ways. When you love your friend alot, do what you can do for her. But you only do things INFRONT of my face, to SHOW ME YOU CARE. Me? I pray. I pray for her to keep smiling and not get hurt, physically or emotionally. I keep praying for God to bless her. I even pray to God, hoping that I could forgive you and you'll be nicer and not so detestable. But YOU YOURSELF are spoiling EVERYTHING. You wanted to gain my love and compassion. But instead, you got my hatred and digust. YOU ARE SICK. And for once, I AM NOT JOKING. And for the friends I love from the most, it'll be:
1) Zan: Cause she cared, NOT YOU. And last year's band exchange program she kept making me smile. She puts others ahead of herself. You don't. Even when we're not in the same class in P4, 5 and 6, she still cared. Even when we only meet in band, she cared. But YOU? Same class as me in P4, 5 AND 6. YOU DIDN'T. You tried to, once, but IT WAS SO FAKE.
2) Belle: Most of what she had done is all up there...
3) Phoebe and SooJi(ties): They both cares about me, when we're not close at all.
Ok, End! Sorry bout the way I phrase it... Haha. Cause I was really angry with her. She really gets on my nerves. And... Zaneta, Belle, Phoebe and SooJi.... I LOVE YOU ALOTS! AND I MEAN IT!!! AS FOR YOU, IDIOT, I DIDN'T HATE YOU SO MUCH. YOU MADE ME GET INTO A BAD TEMPER. INSTEAD OF THE POSITION 'BEST FRIEND', YOU HAVE MADE IT TO 'WORST ENEMY'. I NEED A COOLING PERIOD FROM YOU. AND DON'T ASK WHETHER I WILL FORGIVE YOU. CAUSE IT'LL ALL BE UP TO YOU NOW. I HATE YOU. I ONLY HAD GOOD MEMORIES IN THIS SCHOOL. I was forgiven by a friend, Sherwyn, Janice and me are getting along well, Phoebe, SooJi and Megan are very nice, I just realised... I had so many good memories. YOU SPOILT THEM ALL! YOU GAVE ME A LETTER ON THE LAST DAY. YOU GAVE ME A BAD MEMORY. I COULD HAVE GRADUATED HAPPILY, WITH ONLY GOOD MEMORIES BEHIND. YOU GAVE ME A BAD ONE. DON'T COME AND SORRY. TILL NOW, I HAVEN'T GOT A SINCERE SORRY FROM YOU. You go, "Oh I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," In this sing-song voice and you act as if you didn't care. And I prayed, forgave you. The next day when I talk to you, you go "Oh you OK ready ah? I thought someone was angry..." AND THAT is the reason WHY YOU DON'T HAVE CLOSE FRIENDS. FOR ME, EVERY SECOND SOMEONE BETRAYS ME, I CAN TURN TO ANAYONE ELSE. I HAVE ZAN, BELLE, MEGAN, KATIE, PHOEBE, SOOJI to turn to. And if THEY ALL HATE ME, I HAVE MY SISTER. (I just realised my sister is a good talker and listener) I DONT NEED YOU! HOW CAN YOU EXPRESS YOURSELF? YOU HAD ONE YEAR TO DO THAT! YOUR TIME IS UP, NOW GET LOST, BAKA!!!!!

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