Sunday, November 2, 2008

HELLOS PPL! :) :) :) I'M HERE AGAIN!!!! MONDAY I am going towalk down, buy bubble tea, walk up for BAND, then GO HOME!!! BUBBLETEA BUBBLETEA! I will be helping Megan Lau buy too. So anyone else wants??? :DDD Let me know on Monday by sms or whateva:). AHHHHHH~ PHOEBE!!! I LURVE yA SO MUCH!!! THANKS FOR WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN ON YOUR BLOG! I'M SURE YOU WILL BE A GREAT FREN TO ME :DDD Why sometimes you just have good friends by your side and you still don't realise till youre leaving school or breaking up for holidays? Seriously. 2 of my very good friends now: Megan Lau and Phoebe Chin. I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!(Please note that this has nothing to do with LES) T_T And then SOME OTHER PEOPLE, ( I won't mention who) JUST KEEP IRRITATING ME AND TRYING TO STICK ON ME LIKE SUPERGLUE. IRRITATING! Like Phoebe, I wanna thank some of you...I think these people will be considered as my BESTEST FRIENDS FOR LIFE!!!(In no order! But then still have some that are more special, but I dont want to arrange them in order:) )[Please note: I AM NOT LES!] Zaneta : For encouraging me and helping me solve all my friendship problems throughout this whole year(you were a very nice person to talk to!) and being my friend in band for 4 years. Thanks, and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!<3 Mr Goh : For teaching me and even caring about my friendship problem! Thanks! I really enjoyed all the band lessons!!! (too bad they are gonna be over:( ) Megan Lau : For helping me with last year's teacher's day dance, and having alot in common with me (Christian and Music Lurvers). You were very nice!!! Phoebe : For encouraging me, talking to me, making me smile (together with the TAU Pork!) and once try to squish me into TAU PORK. (good that I didn't fall for it) Esabella : For making me laugh at your jokes and all your nonsense. Just please: Don't use too many vulgar words!!! Sherwyn and Janice : Come on! Let bygones be bygones! You both were really SWEET!!! :) Sister Wan Jee : For sharing with me her thoughts and helping me overcome hurdles... My sis : For being really mad and accompanying me to school with the "FATTY BIRD!!!" ;) My parents : For providing me with alot of stuff... Especially my HANDPHONE!!! My handphone : For receiving my SMS that really encourages me, let me listen to my favourite songs, and playing games!!! <333 -End- Anywayz, this morning went to clinic. See doctor, got MC. But I dont care. I STILL WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!!! Even if my stomach hurtz like hell, NO WAY I AM GONNA MISS A BAND LESSON!!! Better find that MC and tear it into bits!!! Haha... Last night watched this Japanese animation call InuYasha: The Castle Beyond The Looking Glass. What a perfect show!!! Watched from 10 pm all the way to midnight!!! T_T Haha. And today got a new wallet. I seem to be spending too much money!!! T_T. First is Grad Night: $25. Then band pics: $14. Then my cross: $7. Then my wallet: $8 Then my medicine: $46!!! Ah~ I think I am really spending too much!!! T_T Ah~ Then when I go Mongolia I still want personel PSP, Ipod, Laptop... My dad offered I-phone too but I think I am already in LOVE WITH MY PHONE. NO WAY AM I PARTING WITH MY DARLING!!! <3333 (I am SOOOOO RANDOM!) Anyways, I hope I can come back to Singapore. I have no intention of studying in Mongolia... I just want a tour like that. I didn't know I would treasure studying so much!!! Haha. sometimes when you have to leave or give up something, you only will realise how important it is!!! T_T. Anyway, when I am in Mongolia... I want to take up courses in: -Archery -Horseback Riding -Web designing Looks like it wont be that bad. Always think on the bright side, remember:) So to my bestest friends, I hope we can KIT!!! YOU BETTER, OR ELSE...*Evil cackle* LOLX! Band tomorrow! And byebye, go visit my GODSON! *Ahem* he's so not a human, he's a computer character! T_T. BB! :)

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