Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Me and my sister: CANDY!!! <333> Me and my sister. So cute rights?
At the Forbidden City! :D
At the Great Wall :D
All of us at the Great Wall(The tourist with us!)
Panda! At the zoo. Picture specially taken for ZanZan! Hahas. :D
Me on an ELEPHANT! (Fake one lahs)
Haha. Tomorrow=Mongolia=Snow!!! Haha. Jingle Bells... Anyway, using the hotel internet here... ONE MINUTE=S$2!!! Haha. But dad let me use, anyway. Today went to the zoo!!! So damn fun. ATE ICE CREAM IN THE COLD... CANT BELIEVE IT. I WAS FREEZING BUT LOVED MY ICE-CREAM TOO MUCH. Haha.
Then went for dinner... I suddenly got emo(DUNNO WHY) and of my friends... ALL BECAUSE OF THAT SHERILYN CHEW LAHS!!! *Never ever ever talk to your food* Haha. Quote by her. I suddenly missed them alots... Bella! <3
Then again, ate fishballs(AKA BISHBA) and thought of *Ahem ahem*. YOU KNOW WHAT SHE TOLD ME ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL?! "Angeline... I'll miss you calling me fishball." And
I was like.... WTH??!! Haha.
I somehow miss band like crazy! MY DRUM SET! And JG too... SeoRin! Haha. MS TAN!!! Dont forget the slave too... MY BAND! :(
A~THINK I'M STILL A DEDRATER?! Haha. Oh, btw, Dedrater is a damn cool word! DONT CHECK THE DICTIONARY, I ASSURE YOU IT WONT BE ThERE. Its a word created by Sherifreak and ME. Retarded=Dedrater. *Ahem* In other words, retarded spelt backwords! :D
Anyway, back to zoo. Thought of getting some stuff for Belle and Zan. So went there and saw digustingly sickening keychains... The designs were totally horrible. Then saw this damn cute panda! Haha. Bought it. Wondered whether I should buy for Belle and Zan. Then thought I shouldn't. Haha. Then when I went out, suddenly was like... I DIDN'T GET THE PANDA FOR THEM?! Haha. Too bad lorhs... Tomorrow leaving. Hope you all dont mind. Haha. Anyways, I WAS ACTING DAMN CHILDISH... Walking around the shopping centre after zoo trip with my sis and both of us were like chanting"Panda panda panda... Panda panda panda..." Which sortta scard some ppl. HAha! But damn fun. Didn't know I was so childish lahs! Haha. Tomorrow going to Mongolia! Soooo excited, gonna see SNOW! And my mum's letting me learn violin! But then maybe cant, cause are there even violin instructors who can speak English there? Haha. Can only pray now... Oh ya, got my boots too. BLACK AGAIN. BLACK. EVERYTIME I GO OUT, BLACK JEANS, BLACK T-SHIRT, BLACK JACKET, BLACK WINTER JACKET, BLACK SCARF, AND BLACK HAT. NOW ONE MORE: BLACK BOOTS. HAHA! I'M MAD BOUT BLACK! :D
OK, Byes for now! Anyways, smile!!! :D Dont get upset... Love ya, Belle and Zan! And my panda! (So childish) Byes! :D

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