Wednesday, December 31, 2008

OUch! My hand got cut by a penknife... This guy came charging at me with it. And my hand got cut... It HURTS. And NO ONE was surprised. Cause it was very common. Oh.My.Gosh. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I remembered last new year when I sms-ed my friend at 12am of 1St Jan 2008... How about being "officially" P6s and PSLE and stress... I haven't expected sitting in Mongolia and blogging in New Year... How fast time travels. And also, time will soon past, and it'll be my birthday party with two or three friends... I wanted to invite like ten but then Deggy said that there was no need to cause like I'm not so close larhs... But see how first. Maybe I'll invite like 5. And my dad's gonna get me PSP! :DDDD Then soon again, it'll be my school's SUMMER CAMP. YEAH! Then again, back into my sunny Singapore :D OK, Bye bye! Cant type much cause my hand hurts. And cant practice handstand or cartwheels. LOL. But who cares bout gym. BYE!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hellos pepz!
Today I got my ears re-pierced! *YEAH!* FINALLY! LOLS. Then I got a cow-pillow and new skirt! AH! LOVE its XD. LOL. Then went around, lookes for cross earrings to go with my necklace. And my dad suggested buying a mousetrap and put it in my mum's pocket to prevent pickpockets. I went like HARH?! Then laugh and laughed... HAHA. LOL. Ok nothing much.. LOLS. Byebye!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hi his again!
Today my mum got pickpocketed again... At the EXACT SAME PLACE. LOL! Haha. S$30 fly away... LOLS. And then wanted to get my ears re-pierced and the person said tat they just take the needle and StuFF IT IN YOUR EAR so I freaked out and thought maybe it'll be better if I do it in Singapore... Let Belle's dad do it for me. Haha. Then I got another present for Zan... Hope she'll like it ;-) And then I wondered what to get for Ms oh-so-high-and-mighty BELLE... (JK jk!) oh well... She's quite hard to please... Thought of getting a toy dog for her... IT LOOKED SO DAMN CUTE OK! Then I was like... Belle's THIRTEEN next year... I doubt she'll like it. T_T But I'll still like it at the age of thirteen wad... Guess I'm still a kid! :) Oh well. LOLS. When I go back I'm SO GONNA GET MY SINGAPORE FRIENDS and I wanna go WILD WILD WET AND ESCAPE THEME PARK! Went to Wild Wild Wet ONCE with my cousins and TOTALLY LOVED IT LIKE HELL OK! Haha. Then BAND! WOOO! LOL LOL LOL. OK, nothing... Bye!
I TOTALLY LOVE MY NEW SCHOOL AND FRIENDS! <333 Lol. The gals are pretty nice, and the guys... Like JG said=ARE MONKEYS. They fight OK?! They can go wrestling and punching each other. T_T I'm sooooo amazed. Haha. When I first entered the class I passed by the girls and they all came smiling and hi-ing... I admit, I soon felt very much at ease with them, able to talk like they are my friends. At first I thought the guy infront of me was a girl OK?! LOLS. But serious. Then my partner, currenly my best friend in class, said that he once took her PRECIOUS PEN and never returned it. And I went HE?! Haha. I thought it was SHE sia. Then he took my pencil case but was slow so I caught him by the arm adn gave it a nice twist *OH YEAH!* And he went "OW! OK OK SORRY! GIVE YOU BACK" Then I got it back and said sarcastically "Thank you" And he was shaking his arm and ow-ing... Haha. My partner was amazed and I said"Just because you're a girl it means that you have to let guys bully you." Haha. And I'll have to learn Mongolian language AND RUSSIAN. Ebglish, Mongolian, Russian. Whatever next?! I still have my Chinese in Singapore and my Malay and Japanese... OH LOL. And today, I lost my precious keychain. Which reminds me... I'm really very upset bout it. It was the one JG gave to me for Children's day... Not that I lost it, the top part with the name and stuff came out ok... And I rushed around the school but to no avail... I was even sweating in the cold weather. Well, I was kindea scared since it was my first few days in school, and JG once told me not to keep it in the box and hang it somewhere... I hanged it on my precious bag with the graduation bear Belle gave me.. And the Happy Children's day words are all gone. One of my precious stuff. OK, my precious things are:
1. JG's keychain
2. Belle's Graduation bear
3. SMPS Graduation star thingy...
4. SMPS badge (The one we got and grad night)
5. My mirror(The one we had in P6 Camp 2008)
So I really miss it alots... But however, on the bright side, things dont last forever. Well, God has his plans, I'm sure. I dont have the keychain, but I still have all the memories of SMPS in my mind.... Vivid happiness and stuff which cannot be bought. Thank you! And photographs of all the time we shared... Laughter and fun. I'm looking forward to more from King's Kids and SMSS. Wish me luck! Byes!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yos pepz..
Changed ma blogskin! Nice? Friends forever. For my friends. (: And anyway, I'll be sending out letters next week. To these people:
2. Zanzan
Haha. Oh well. Maybe I should add JG, Sherwyn, SooJi and Phoebe as well? I'll have to get more postcards... LOL. Anyway, I went shopping today and it was -36 Degrees. Freeeeeezing! Got new earmuffs and CLOTHeS! WOOO! I got tights. Then this short brown skirt, and jackets. Then came home and planned what to wear on Monday. Haha. Oh well. A pickpocket stoled S$100 from my mum... The money was never found and so was the pickpocket. I hope that God will punish him or her... Haha. Oh well... I'm just waiting for Zan or Sherlilyn to be online... Damn sian... When Zan comes online gonna PESTER PESTER PESTER HER! So evil... LOLS. And damn stupid cousin isn't online either... Can't annoy him. Ask Zan how stupid he is lahs..
Oh well... I guess I'll go play neopets(SO CHILDISH) but I think thats the real me. You just cant change it (:

Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm starting school on Monday! Yesterday I went to the school to take the test. It was only TWO PAGES. Surprise suprise! Haha. Then got some very ridiculous question that I left blank... T_T. 1. The opposite of bitter. 2. Who founded America? 3. When did he found it? 4. Why did George Washiton Bush something something something? 5. Bla~~~ Haha! Then I 'visited' my class. I'm going to Grade 7. And I tell you, the girls were dancing hip-hop to the song "Low" and I just smiled at them *Must have looked stupid* Then they were quiet friendly. But I just peeped in at the door. LOLS. Haha. And the random pepz are SPLITTED :'( Me to SMSS. Belle to RGS. (SMARTY PANTS!!!) Sherilyn to NUS, Priya to Cedar and FHW to Outer Space(?!) Haha! I feel a little bitty nervous on going to school on Monday... How would it feel like? Will I be able to make friends with people who have known each other for seven whole years? Oh well. Then go back to SMSS... I CANT AUDITION FOR BAND!!! Wad will happen when I go back!?! NO CCA?! NO!!!! Ah~~~And that stupid ZanZan finally online and she's ignoring me.... Must be her endless anime-ing. Ah~~~ And I went ice-skating today. So fun! :DDDD And I fell down only once. I trip over my sister's foot. Stupid T_T haha. And I bought the handbag I wanted last time. :DDDD And today I got new jeans. I need new winter jacket! Mine when I wear it look so fat. LIKE PIG OK! And I have to get my ears pierced again... The hole closed liao... All because Belle gave me the earrings then they were too big so my mum stuffed them in and I got infection and high fever+rashes. So I didnt wear my earrings for like two months and it closed... D: I LOVE WEARING EARRINGS! But they can be so annoying SOMETIMES. Oh well... I miss everyone and Singapore... I badly wante to go for the thingy today at SMSS... But then couldn't. *sighs* And I dreamt I went for it and when I woke up it was 9.47am and I thought " I AM LATE!!!" Then "I'm in MONGOLIA" Then"I've missed the plane!" Then "You're not going back, DUMMY." Oh well, I CAN BE SO LAME. Haha! I think I wanna change new blogskin... Ha~Bye!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

YAAAAAAY!!! I'm so damn happy. My dad's found an English school in Monoglia here! And he said that the students he met were cute anf riendly and nice, and so is the principle! Then he says that the school have piano lessons after lessons. Sort of like CCA! And I will attend music school for violin! AH!!!!! VIOLIN AND PIANO. I WANT TO FAINT. Haha! Oh my my my! I'm so haaaaappppppppppy!!! Then go back Singapore: MAKE MORE FRIENDS!!!!! AHHH!!!!! I'm TOO HAPPY! And tomorrow posting results! SMSS!!! WOW WOW WOW! And I can play piano! Zan did the finger-length test lorhs. So funny yesterday! Haha! I'm currently waiting for her to be online. Haiyo... WHEN IS SHE COMING ONLINE LARHS? Sian... I've been waiting since 7.15pm. And then I waited at about 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Then went out with Una for dinner, then come back again. Haha! And then with Una and my new friends here, I wont be so bored :DDDDD! Yay! And Peace Maker's a PERFECT MOVIE!!! Watching it now! <3333 At least dunneed wait for Zanzan until so bored! Haha. OK, BYYYEEEE!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333333 Jelly! :DDDDD

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I've just called Belle! <33333

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hihi peoplez... Just finished watching the movie "10 Promises To My Dog" Okok... I admit, I CRIED. LOLX... But I cry at lots f movies. Better stop it. BELLE BETTER WATCH IT. I WANT TO SEE HER CRY. Haha. Its the first time my sister cried at a movie sia... I was so shocked lorhs. Haha.
I'll never keep a dog forever. Lols. When Tammy and Nibbles and Nibbly and Twiggy and Blacky and Tiny Mouse and Hammy and Twig Twig died I cries. LOLx. Well, maybe not when Twig Twig and Nibbly and Tiny Mouse. Cause I'm used to dying hamsters liao?Haha. Ah~And Sherlock Holmes' a GREAT BOOK! Oooo~ That guy was SUPER SMART sia. It involves murder case, so if my sister reads, she'll get nightmares (She's a scaredy cat!) LOLS. Ok I dunno whatever I'm talking bout. Applause! Oh whatever lahs. BYEBYE!
Angeline Tan,
The rambutan,
Go to Isetan,
Buy a machine gun,(Wah, Isetan have machine gun sia!)
Shoot her best friends one by one,
Go to Parkistan,
Fight with Jackie Chan, (Jackie Chan's in Pakistan meh?)
Escape jail and is on the run, (What crime did I commit so that I have to go to jail?)
That's just
ANGELINE TAN! (aka Yours Truly XP)
-AKA Jellies
-Sandaime Pengikage
-*Censored* of Grossclan

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hellos FRIENDS! XD Today I had a total EXCELLENT time!
I met Una then went for ICE-SKATING. I fell on my butt THREE TIMES. Oh well. The first time was the worse. I fell. Then I stood up, leaned back trying to balance, AND FELL AGAIN. So its actually considered as falling four times. Haha. My butt doesn't hurt cause I wore three layers of pants(To prevent the cold)HAHA! But now I have muscle aches all over... Pics Pics!
Me and my sister trying to pull Purevnyam. LOLX.
Um... My dad the paparazzi took this. Me on the floor. The less said the better...
Me and Una. So cute rights. XP
Haha. So thats about it. LOL. It was quite fun. The we went to the arcade I went yesterdays... Played alot of stuff. Loved the car-racing. My sister playing below. See? Haha.
Then went to take neo-print. Ah~So fun. Then come home, helped Una change her blogskin. Haha. Oh yah, yesterday I bought a book. Sherlock Holmes. Heard before? I felt very glad cause there are hardly any English books here. Ok, its late, I've gotta go sleep now! Bye bye! (:
Hey heys people! Today I'm meeting Purevnyam to go ice-skating! So excited sia. And yesterday went out the whole day! So fun! We went to this arcade and played games! Then I spotted a familiar looking machine... It was for safari catching thingy... Then it occured to me: Belle's mum once took me to play a game like that in arcade in Singapore! Ah~Then me and my went to take neo-print! Two times... And they provided costumes for us! So first time I was dressed up as a magician and my sister as a bunny. Then the second time I was a Devil and my sister was an Angel! Haha. The fisrt time the pictures were FANTASTIC. The second time we used a different machine and the picturs were a DISASTER. Ew... And somemore, they dun allow you to decorate! The ppl are supposed to help you sia... And then one of the pics during the second round the woman help us do and put the word FRIENDSHIP. EXCUSE ME?! We are SISTERS! I'm thinking of taking Purevnyam to take neo-print later on... It'll be fun fun fun! Then go back to Singapore will drag the Random People to take too... GOSH, IT'LL BE TOTALLY RANDOM! WOOO! Then Sherwyn and Janice too... I totally miss everyone. Maybe even FISHBALL. Haha. Yup, it's kinndea fun with her around. And miss BAND. Haha. I'm learning to look on the bright side of everything... And then just found out that maybe living here isn't so bad after all. My dad's going to enroll me into IT and MUSIC school. MY TWO FAVS! *YEAH!* Wooo! So excited for EVERYTHING. And last night went to Japanese Restaurant and had dinner! Pics! *This set of food belongs to my dad* * This WHOLE set belongs to me*
*SEE!? I ate so much... Pig. T_T*
Haha. My mum got noodles but I didn't bother to take a picture of that. My sister didn't order anything, but stole our food. *MY PORK!* She stole my mum's noodles, my dad's sushi and my pork. *Sniff* Haha. But yesterday was exciting. I bought new gloves. They re PINK! I like pink! Haha. But I still prefer orange, black and white. LOLS. Then I saw this bag. It's SO PRETTY! I wanted to buy it but my mum said next time. Oh well. Its reall so beautiful. It'll go with my shorts and skirts in SINGAPORE. It won't go with my winter jacket though. I'll look so fat. My mum promised to get it for me before we go back to Singapore! Yipee! Haha.
OK, I've GTG! Sayonara! <3
aNgeLiNe :D

Friday, December 12, 2008

Hellos once again, people! Haha. Yesterday wanted to change blogskin, then thought that PERCUSSIONISTS AND BAND PPL ARE STILL THE BEST! Haha. Random. Anywayz, I CALLED BELLE AND SHERILYN YESTERDAY!!! Sherilyn, I talked for 3 minutes(LOLX) cuz my stupid sis keep calling her dear friend Emily... Then left 12 minutes so SORRY SHERILYN! (I was using the phone card) But when I called Belle, she answered the phone, and I recognised her voice... Belle: Hello?
I mean, I'm overseas here, HELLO? And she could RECOGNISE MY VOICE? Me: HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS ME?!
Belle: DUH. You sound as retarded and annoying as Angeline so I knew it was you larh!
Me: Haha! So how are you?
Belle: Fine! I MISS YOU AloT ANGIE!
Belle: Ya.
Me: OI!
Belle: HAHA. Joking lah. Last night I dreamt that ZACH WAS KAKASHI!!!
Belle: YEAH!
Me: Oh, then two scarecrows GeTTING MARRIED?
Lol. Then it just went on and on... Then "YOU HAVE 60 SECONDS LEFT" And me and Belle went BYEBYE and BLABLA for the next 1 minute. So we both said:"What shalll we talk bout now" So went BYE! BLA! BYE! BLA! Then the voice said:"Goodbye" Haha. Anyway, today I called PUREVENYAM! One of these days she's coming to my housie... YAY! At least I'll have a friend. And my dad said if she is studying in an International School he'll want me to go to the same school as her... More friends, maybe? Haha. Hope they'll know English. OR ELSE... Lol. I'll just leave the rest to God, I guess! Haha. Gosh, I'M SO HAPPY. That at least I wont die of boredom here. Well, maybe we can go ice skating and ski-ing.. OH COOL. I'm going to sms her first, so BYEBYE! Jellies<3
*Pray for me yah!*

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just finished dinner. Haha. I wanted to become a vegetarain but realised I couldn't resist the chicken. Oh well... My dad says if I continue eating I'll become VERY FAT and somemore NO EXCERCISE. I imagined Belle saying... ANGELINE! WAD HAPPENED?! YOU'RE FATTER THAN FISHBALL!!! YOU'RE SO FAT! Me: I know... THEN I FREAKED OUT. Then looked at the chicken and thought:"EAT COMES FIRST. THINK BOUT FATS LATER." LOLX. Haha. Anyways, I TOTALLY MISS MY PRECIOUS PRAWN CRACKERS IN SINGAPORE!!! HERE DUN HAVE... GOOD THING GOT MY CHILLI! NO SPICY FOOD=DIE. Haha. And I love the movie "Anastasia" Hear this song and remember... Soon you'll be home with me... Once upon a December... Lolx. The song. And my mum bought this random Anime CD... Called Peace Maker. Looks nice. It's bout World War II... Haha. Dunno when I'll watch it... Lolx. I haven't started Naruto yet. I've been moody lately. WHY? Maybe cause I'm not in my Singapore. What do I do here? Eat. Sleep. TV. Study. Comp. Bathe. Sian... I need something... Interesting. I'm not a girl whose loves what you call "Simple Life" But then I don't mind a Simple life with my friends in Singapore. I hate being all quiet and lonely. SO WAD AM I TO DO NEXT YEAR? ALL THOSE STRANGERS? NO! I.HATE.STRANGERS! I'm so not feeling exactly well... I'll go do something fun, I guess. Something, that will make me smile, feel happy. Like talking to someone... Well, Belle still isn't answering the phone. And I dunno who else to call... I'm lonely.
Heys people... Letme introduce the nicknames(Adapted from TRP's (The Random People) Blog... Ok, this is a list of our nicknames:Me Rambutan, Queen of farts, Angie, Jelly, Neji, Sandaime Pengikage Belle: BBK, Bella, Belle, Son(Han Wen calls her that), Moonflame(warrior name)Gaara, Shodaime Pengikage Han Wen:Dad(Belle calls her that), FHW, Kakashi Priya: Mom(Bella calls her that*OH BELLA! YOU RAWK!*), Icestar(warrior name), Itachi, Nidaime Pengikage Sherilyn: Lyn lyn Chew, Godaime Pengikage Wai Yee: Yondaime Pengikage Oh yeah, all the weird *daime Pengikage* ppl are PENGUINS>. Me:(Sweetly) Hello, may I speak to Esabella Koh please... *Minutes later* Belle: Hello? Me:(Act like a guy's voice) Hey Belle! I'm your boyfriend! Belle: Huh?! Me: You know, the big macho one... Like Kungfu Panda! Belle: EH?! *LOLX* Haha. Anyway, I'm seriously gonna call her. Oh, I DUNNO HOW TO FACE SCHOOL. I HAE STRANGERS cause I don't feel free when I'm with them. Its different if I go in January... No one really knows each other. We all have the same feeling. But then I TOTALLY HATE BEING ALONE... Or LEFT OUT, as a matter of a fact. I can only pray for someone CLOSE TO ME to be in my class... Like Sherwyn, or Megan Lau, or Katie. If I have to choose someone whose going to SMSS to be in my class, I'LL CHOOSE SOO JI! She'll NEVER leave me alone man... She'll help me make friends. I'll miss my birthday in Singapore... My dad says the coldest days in Mongolia is ENd OF JANUARY. MY BIRTHDAY=JAN 24. Oh die... NO BIRTHDAY CAKE LIAO. Haha. Anyways, its really cold man. Mr Snowman died... My dad killed him. Pushed him off the balcony (on PURPOSE) and POM!! !()O$U@O#$(#$)@!#E*D He was dead. 11 storeys leh, my house! Haha. And last night I dreamt that me and my sister got guinea pigs! AWWWW... SO CUTE. Reminds me of a present I got for a certain someone. SO CUTE LAHS. Haha. Anf I tried to call Bella. Using the phone card. Wooo! But she NEVER PICK UP SIA... Try again later. Lolx/Anyway, I GTG! See ya! Oh, pls tag yeahs. TAG TAG TAG. PPL JUST TAG! LOLX> Byes :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I got back from the dungeons of darkness. LOLX. Fever lahs... AND THE WORST PART. BECAUSE I ATE TOOO MUCH. So although I'm A LITTLE BITTY better, I occasionally have gastric and stomachaches... Talk bout gastric... Did ya know that ever since I was born, I used to have gastric NEARLY EVERYDAY?! Haha. And I currently have like... Dunno how many ulcers... And then my stupid sister SWALLOWED CHEWING GUM. Cause I was like eating another brand of it... Forgot what. K, just call it Brand A. Then I spotted Brand B. So I said:"Hey Piggy, do you think I can mix Brand A and B and chew it together?" And she was like, "Yes, but don't swallow the wrong one" And I was like HAAAAAAAARRRRRRRHHH?!! Haha. Then she went WHAT?! CANNOT SWALLOW ONE LAH, STUPID! "HARH? I swallOwED 4!!! I told my mum and she went... "OH ITS CHEWING GUM, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!" Haha. then she went on saying have to go for X-ray and stuff... Haha. OK. Here's a very funny part of our lifestyle... Since we know VERY LITTLE of te language here... Gosh. ITS RIDICULOUS LAHS... Haha. Heres goes. At Restaurant 1... Its a Western Restaurant. So the menu had some words. I wanted soup. Haha. Cause I didn't feel like eating... I threw up three times that day. Lolx. But serious. So they ran out of chicken soup. Then got some words we didn't understand... My dad wondered whether the second one was mutton soup.... Cause he said the mutton soup here was good. So he pointed at it and said,'mutton?' And the person went huh? Then it went on for 2 minutes. And then my sister was like... Smiled and acted cute, then said: MEH MEH!!! MEH MEH!!! And the waitress looked at the menu and nodded her head. When the soup was served, it really was mutton. Ohhhhh... GOOD ONE. Haha. Then my dad wanted beef. *remember he's a cow* And then my sis says "GO COW!" And he went "Mooooo!" And the waitress nodded and soon, BEEF WAS SERVED. OH GREAT. I was laughing so hard lahs... Then second restaurant we wanted egg, so POKPOKPOK, then pretend to fart like that... Then pretend to crack.. GOSH. I WAS LAUGHING SO HArD. And te girl really got us eggs man... I was like... WOW! I'M AMAZED... haha. Gotta go for dinner. The second restaurant again. haha. CHICkEN! LOLX! Oh, btw, its -25 to 30 Degrees here. SUPER COLD. and I TOTALLy LOVE MY EARMUFfS! Lolx. RANDOM. K. BB!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Yohs! :D HAHA. Priya's post was so interesting. Currently watching ANASTASIA. Its PERFECT. Jaja... LOLX. Just bla-ing around. And then this and that... DAmn sian. I dunno wad I'm typing, SO Byebye! (WEIRd)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hi! TODAY SNOWED AGAIN! WOOO!! Haha. Built SNOWMAN~ Haha. TEAM WORK BY ME AND MY SIS! Without her, wouldn't know how to start. Without me, wouldn't know how to make the snow round. Anyways, toes and fingers WERE FREEEEEEEEEEEEZING. Didn't want to abandon Mr. Snowman so we did something damn childish... DONT ASK WHY. CARRIED THE SNOWMAN HOME. OH 'YES. Its currently sitting on the balcony table there, AT THE COLD. Haha. But then no pics yet, sorry. THE HEAD FELL OFF. Poor thing. Re-do it when I'm free... And Zanzan tagged me to do quiz... start time: 7.00PM name: Tan Cheng Yi Angeline nicknames: (Oh gosh... Bad time here.) Jelly, Angie, Rambutan, Aunty(BY BELLA KOH) Neji (by Random ppl) *Sigh* Cant finish them all. STOP HERE. :D height: Forgot. 1cm, I think, right, Belle? address: *According to Belle* 123 Rambutan Road, 32 Fishball Avenue. Characteristics I like about myself: Um... Characteristics I hate about myself: FISHBALLING TOO MUCH?! LOLX State 5 random things. 1a. OH GOSH DID YOU SEE THAT WORD? ITS RANDOM! AWESOME RANDOMNESS! 2a. I MISS YA BELLE 3a. I LOVE TO EAT 4a. WAD WAS MY AGE? 5a. ANGELINE TAN... THE RAMBUTAN... LALALA 2)Which is your favourite meal of the day? EVERY MEAL! 3)Who's the dumb-est in your class? IN CASE YOU DUNNO, I'M THE SECOND DUMBEST 4)Who's the smartest in your class ? DUN CARE. IT'LL ALWAYS BE BELLE! 5)Who's the most popular in your class ? DUN CARE BOUT POPULATION 6)Do you like your form teacher ? Ok ok lahs... 7) Do you like your principal ? Seriously dunno... 8)What is you cca? SMPS BRASSS BAND!!! BAND BAND BAND! *Sry, overexcited* 9) What are your current 5 favourite songs ? and who were they sung by ? 1. Photographs by Nickleback 2. Leave by Jojo (WOOO! BELLE!) 3. Stairway To Heaven by (FORGOT WHO) 4. Yuki No Hana by Mika Nakashima 5. Depend On You by Ayumi Hamasaki 10)Pass this on to 10 friends: 1) BELLA! 2) Phoebe 3) FHW 4) Priya 5) SeoRin 6) Sherrifreak 7) ZanZan (dun care. Just your name 4 fun :P) 8) Piggy Head 9) Tiffany 10) Roxanne Who is the nicest friend in here? BELLA! I LOVE HER MAN... Though her crap. BUT THATS WHY I LOVE HER! YEAH? Haha! b)who is the funniest friend? BELLA! I LOVE YAS C)Do you think 1 & 10 will be best friends ? Bella and Roxanne??? I DONT THINK SO... Haha! d)describe6. TALKS A LOT OF WEIRD STUFF. :P LOLX. HAHA! e)What if 3&9 became best friends ? NO WAY MAN. NO WAY. HAHA! f)your relationship with 7? Friends. g)If 6 became your enemy, you will? The less said bout this the better. Haha! h)What is 8's trademark? CHATTERBOX. But you dont need to wind it. It just keeps coming! :P i)What is 2's surname ? Chin J)What if 4 and 5 were a couple ? *GULP* I DONT THINK THEY NOE EACH OTHER... end time : 8.04PM. WOW. I'm sometimes amazed by myself. Watching PRINCESS AND THE PAUPER. HAha. Love its! :D The songs are peeeerrrfect... When you live your dreams you'll find destiny... LOLX. BYEbYE. :P

Monday, December 1, 2008

Yoh lolz ppl... Yesterday lunch turned on the tv and they were showing ENCHANTED.(Im Mongolian language) And when it finished I couldn't help thinking of Bella and the rest... Oh ya... Last year she brought us to watch Enchanted on her BIRTHDAY party. But the fun part was the car... Bella's mum sent a few of us home... There was: 1. Herself (duh) 2. Bella(duh) 3. MUA~ 4. My sis... 5. Clarrisa 6. Natalia (Clarrisa's sis) 7. Brina 8. Brina's sis (NAME FORGOT) 9. Megan Lau NINE PPL INTO ONE SMALL CAR. WAD DO YOU THINK?! Haha. Then we played this song called 'A Star Is Born'... AND EVERYONE STARTED SINGING... Shout it from the mountain top... A FART(star) IS BORN It's a time for pulling out the stops A FART is born Honey, hit us with a halleluia The kid came shining through Girl, sing the song Come blow your horn A FART is born He's a hero who can please the crowd A FART is born Come on ev'rybody shout out lou A FART is born Just remember in the darkest hour Within your heart's the power For making you A hero too So don't lose hope when you're forlorn Just keep your eyes upon the skies Ev'ry night a FART is Right in sight a FART is Burning bring a FART is born!!!!!!!! Like a beacon in the cold dark night A FART is born Told ya ev'rything would turn out right A FART is born Just when ev'rything was all at sea The boy made history The bottom line He sure can shine His rising sign isCapricorn He knew "how to" He had a clue Telling you a FART is born Here's a hero who can please the crowd A FART is born Come on ev'rybody shout out loud A FART is born Just remember in the darkest hour Within your heart's the power For making you A hero too So don't lose hope when you're forlorn Just keep your eyes upon the skies Ev'ry night a FART is... Right in sight a FART is... Burning bright a FART IS BORN!!! *WOOOO!!* *CLAP CLAP* *CHEER!* Oh don't worry. Something worst happened... BELLE'S MUM OPENED THE WINDOW OF THE CAR... AND AT THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS THERE SHE HAD TO STOP. SO PASSERS-BY SAW NINE CHILDREN AND ONE ADULT SCREAMING 'OH A FART IS BORN' AND THE OTHER LYRICS AND JAWS DROPPED LAH... THEN DRIVING ALSO 'A FART IS BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' HAHA! So funny... I'm laughing now. Hehe~ Oh~Belle's party last year was one of the best times of my life... ESPECIALLY FARTING SONGS... Now I'm addictedto the song. A star is born... <3 ____________________________________________________________________ OK. TODAY, IT SNOWED! AH~SO BEAUTIFUL LAHS!!!! WOOO!!! Haha. Then went out... Played... Then come in again... TOO COLD. My nose was like frozen. Good thing got earmuffs. Or else my ear will also hurt. Haha. CANTBUILD SNOWMAN. How did those ppl make the snow round?! Haha. So we played with it like a sand pit. Haha. Oh, my sis came out too. But then she feelt VERY COLD and my mum was afraid that her fever will come up again so pulled her in and told me to ENJOY MYSELF. ALONE. T_T haha. Oh, btw, I MADE A LOVELY VIDEO OF SMPS! <3>CANT POST ON YOUTUBE OR BLOGGER. WADS THE PROBLEM?! I spent A WHOLE HOUR DOING IT! *SNIFF* Oh well... NVM. Watched twelve dancing princesses today at home. Haha. Got a lot of movies... All the Barbie Doll one... Dunno why I buy it for. Haha. Duncare lahs. Just watch. K, BB!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Haha. Its currently VERY FOGGY outside... Praying for it to SNOW. Jingle Bells<<<----Belle!! Haha. :-P Anywayz, totally miss my 'friends' in Singapore. Not everyone I know are called 'friends', you know... Like normal people I talk to are not 'friends' to me. I will never forget the times we had together...... Random people: For stupid stuff going on... Hair pulling, fishballing... You know... OH MY GOODNESS. JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING. Belle, WAD DID YOU DO AT THE HEALTH ZONE?! *Ahem* Infront of the boys, WAD DID YOU SCREAM? SICKENING. Sherilyn, we should change the phrase ''As Sick As Wai Yee'' to "As Sick As Belle Belle Koh Sheng Ting" Haha! Oh, Priya... YOU ARE NOT AS SICK AS ESABELLA. Oh, and Belle, DONT TYPE WAD YOU SAID IN MY TAGBOARD. CENSORED STUFF ARE NOT ALLOWED. And please... CREATE HOTMAIL ACCOUNT. If not, use the random people one... PLEASE.... I want to chat with you on MSN. *Ahem* If that ever happens... DONT YOU... *AHEM!!!* Haha. Ah ya, people... To keep in contact with me, or Belle, or Sherilyn, or Priya, or FHW, please use this: SooJi: "Magic Fingers" eh? Haha. If Katie goes to SMSS with the both of US, I'll die with the both of your fingers. Haha. I doubt I'll be scared of being tickled next year... Oh maybe I will. See first. Haha. But regardless of what, THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME, SOOJI! <333 Katie: SAME AS SOOJI. BUT I DONT CARE BOUT FINGERS. JUST ROLL LIKE A FISHBALL TO SMSS, GET IT??? Haha. Anyway, LOVED YOUR PROFILE. I'll always remember that you'll be there for me! Phoebe: TAU PORK AND BUBBLETEA. HAHA. And I just wanna say a big THANK YOU TO... MR GOH: THANKS FOR TEACHING ME IN BAND. I MISS IT LIKE CRAZY HERE. HAHA. BAND!!! OH, and thanks for bringing Angel too. AH~When I get back to Singapore, BETTER BRING IT TO MY HOUSE AGAIN. Haha. And WHEN ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED??? Ah~I think I put too many posts about the word 'friends'. Thats cause I just love you all too much! JG=better get married. Belle=better admit your feelings to Zach. Everyone in class knows you like him. Oh yes... Oh yes... And stop saying 'Sherilyn likes Zach and Angeline likes Zach.' YOU LIKE HIM YOURSELF. Haha. :-P BYES! PRAY THAT IT SNOWS HERE. Haha! BUYBYE!

Friday, November 28, 2008

HaiHai! Phoebe tagged me to do these to quizzes... Sortta *Thanks* CAUSE I AM SO BORED. Quiz 1. Rule 1: People who have tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new new question. Rule 2: Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag back the person but to continue this with other people. start time: 9:21 pm 1. Do you have secrets? Yes... 2. Would you fall in love with a girl older than you? I.AM.SO.NOT.LES. 3. Do you enjoy going school? SCHOOL!!! <333 4. What will you do with a billion dollars? 1) Become a missionary. 2) Use the money to help others not as fortunate as us. 5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend's stead? Nahs. Even if I do, GIVE IT UP. 6. If you have to choose one person between your best friend and girlfriend, who will you choose? Best friend lahs. I'm not even les lorhs. 7. List out your 20 favorite songs: 01. Laugh Away 02. Life 03. Goodbye Days 04. Its Happy Line 05. Lead Me To The Cross 06. Photograph 07. God Is A Girl 08. Moonlight Shadow 09. 7 Years And 50 Days 10. Bleeding Love 11. Bleeding Heart 12. Check Yes Juliet 13. Hey Juliet 14. Too Little Too Late 15. Leave (OOOO!!! BELLA!!! REMEMBER THIS?! HAHA!!!) 16. Step Up 17. Jenny 18. Happy Brithday 19. Angel To You Devil To Me 20. About A Girl a)Which is your favourite song? Nearly everything?! Haha. b)Which one do you think is most inspiring? Inspiring ahs? Everthing lorhs. Haha. c)Which one have you known for the longest time? God Is A Girl 8. List 20 friends. 01.God 02.Jesus 03.ZanZan 04.BelleBelle 05.SooJi 06.Phoebe 07.Katie 08.Megan G 09.Megan L 10.SeoRin 11.JG 12.Mrs JG*Ahem, you saw that right* 13. Sherwyn 14. Janice 15. WaiYee 16. Priya 17. FHW (AKA Fang Han Wen) 18. Dion 19. Aya 20. Rebecca a)Which is your favourite friend? The first four. Haha. No offence to the others... b)Do you think 3&17 will be best friends ? ZanZan and FHW? I DOUBT IT TOTALLY c) Which one do you think is the most popular? I don't choose friends according to popularity... d) Whick one do you think is the prettiest? Pretty or ugly doesn't matter. e)Which 2 friends do you think will make the best couple? *Oh please God, I pray that none of them are les...* 9. Is there sth that made you extremely happy? YES! 10. Who is your favorite singer/actor? Click Five, Jojo, Yui, Olivia... Actor will be... ??? 11. How do you see yourself 10 years ago? A fat, crybaby, sleepyheaded pig. 12. Who is currently the most important person to you? GOD :D 13.whats the most important thing in your life? GOD, family, and friends <3 14. Which is important? Family or Career? I have to say, depends on my career... 15. What is your favorite color? Black! White! Orange! 16. Would you give your all in a relationship? depends... 17. If two different person fall in love with you, who will you choose? Depends... 18. Would you forgive the person who betrayed you? YES. *I'm very forgiving* JKJK... 19.what will u tell the person you love? I'll answer this 10 years later. Haha. 20.10ppl i tagged? Must be 10 ahs? Haha. BELLE BELLE. YOU BETTER ADMIT WAD YOU SAID TO YOUR BOYFRIEND. Sherrifreak, FHW, Priya, Sherwyn, Janice, dunno, dunno, dunno and dunno. Haha. Feelin' random lahs. NEXT QUIZ! Quiz 2 1. The rules of the game gets posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3.At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting time: 5.15pm Sisters: 1 Brothers: 0 Shoes size: 37 Height: 151cm Where you live: *Sniff* half Singapore and half Mongolia. favourite drinks: COKE! (BELLA, DONT LAUGH) favourite breakfast: I'm a pig... ALOT. BREAD, MILO, COFFEE, CEREAL, BISCUIT... TOO MANY. CANT NAME ALL T_T Have you ever; Been on a plane: YEAH! IN FACT, JUST YESTERDAY. Swam in an ocean: SORTTA Fallen asleep at school: TO ADMIT, YES. AT P2. BUT IT WAS THE TEACHER'S FAULT. TALK SO MUCH NONSENSE... SO BORING. Broken Someone's heart: I dont really know... Fell off your chair: YES! IT WAS FUN! Waited for someone to call: YUPP... NOW, NO. NO ONE WOULD. I'M IN MONGOLIA! saved emails: YEAH. what is your room like: DAMN CUTE. HAHA. What is the last time you ate: lunch! ATE ALOT. PIG T_T Ever had: Chicken pox: YES. IT WAS HORRIBLE. Sore throat: YES. BUT I LOVED THE MEDICINE! Stitches: NO... :D Broken nose: NO WAY. Do you believe in love at first sight: ITS STUPID FANTASY... Like picnics: YESH. :D Who was/were the last person you danced with: DANCE? I FORGOT THE NAME SIA. IT WAS IN KINDERGARDEN... Last made you smile: TALKING TO THAT ZANZAN BOUT PIGS... today did you : Talk to someone you like: currently, yeah. ZANZAN LAHS. HAha kiss anyone: My dad and mum. Yupp, I'm damn close to my family. :D talk to an ex: EX WAD? Miss someone: YEAH. BELLE BELLE KOH SHENG TING! Eat: ATE TOO MUCH. PIG. Best feeling in the world: YES. *CENSORED* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I'm CHILDISH. I HAVE TO SAY... YES. EVERYDAY, IN FACT. Whats under your bed: DUST Who do you really hate: *CENSORED* IN CASE IT HURTS OTHERS>.< What time is it now: 5.24 you have any siblings: ONE ANNOYING SISTER. Do you want children: SEE HOW FIRST. Do you smile often: IF I DON'T SMILE, I CAN DIE. Do you like your hand-writing: YUPP. ITS ME! Are your toe nails painted: NAHS. Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: NO ONE?! What color shirt are you wearing now: BLACK! :D What were you doing at 7.00 p.m.: Its not 7 pm yet. When did you cry last: PSLE RESULTS... Are you friendly: :D WAD DO YOU THINK LEHS? :D Do you have any pets: Nibbles!!! DIED LIAOS. :'( Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: Nahs. Do you sleep with the TV on: SOMETIMES. What are you doing right now: Talking to ZANZAN... DOING quiz... Have you ever crawled through a window: WOOO!!! FUN FUN FUN! Are you closer to your mother or father: BOTH. WE'RE CLOSE FAMILY! :D Who was the last person you cried in front of: P6es... RESULTS. HAHA How many people can you say you've really loved: 7. ONLY SEVEN. God, Jesus, Dad, Mum, Sis, Zan, Belle. Do you eat healthy: I can't resist good food... Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: WAD EX LAHS?! Did you cry because of something someone said to you: YES. If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: God, Jesus, Belle, ZANZAN! <333 5 things I was doing 10 years ago: EATING, CRYING, SLEEPING, CRAWLING, LAUGHING... PIGGY STUFF. 5 things on my to-do list today: PLAY COMP! Study, write letters, EAT, SLEEP. :D 5 snacks I enjoy: BUBBLEGUM. BUBBLETEA. SUSHI. STEAK. KIMCHI. *ALOT MORE* If I were a billionaire: 1. Become missionary. 2. Help ppl less fortunate than us. 5 of my bad points: Eat too much, Talk too much, Play comp too much, Laugh too much and Sleep too much. PIG. TAGGING: ZanZan, BelleBelle, Sherrifreak, Sherwyn, Janice. ----End!----

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Me and my sister: CANDY!!! <333> Me and my sister. So cute rights?
At the Forbidden City! :D
At the Great Wall :D
All of us at the Great Wall(The tourist with us!)
Panda! At the zoo. Picture specially taken for ZanZan! Hahas. :D
Me on an ELEPHANT! (Fake one lahs)
Haha. Tomorrow=Mongolia=Snow!!! Haha. Jingle Bells... Anyway, using the hotel internet here... ONE MINUTE=S$2!!! Haha. But dad let me use, anyway. Today went to the zoo!!! So damn fun. ATE ICE CREAM IN THE COLD... CANT BELIEVE IT. I WAS FREEZING BUT LOVED MY ICE-CREAM TOO MUCH. Haha.
Then went for dinner... I suddenly got emo(DUNNO WHY) and of my friends... ALL BECAUSE OF THAT SHERILYN CHEW LAHS!!! *Never ever ever talk to your food* Haha. Quote by her. I suddenly missed them alots... Bella! <3
Then again, ate fishballs(AKA BISHBA) and thought of *Ahem ahem*. YOU KNOW WHAT SHE TOLD ME ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL?! "Angeline... I'll miss you calling me fishball." And
I was like.... WTH??!! Haha.
I somehow miss band like crazy! MY DRUM SET! And JG too... SeoRin! Haha. MS TAN!!! Dont forget the slave too... MY BAND! :(
A~THINK I'M STILL A DEDRATER?! Haha. Oh, btw, Dedrater is a damn cool word! DONT CHECK THE DICTIONARY, I ASSURE YOU IT WONT BE ThERE. Its a word created by Sherifreak and ME. Retarded=Dedrater. *Ahem* In other words, retarded spelt backwords! :D
Anyway, back to zoo. Thought of getting some stuff for Belle and Zan. So went there and saw digustingly sickening keychains... The designs were totally horrible. Then saw this damn cute panda! Haha. Bought it. Wondered whether I should buy for Belle and Zan. Then thought I shouldn't. Haha. Then when I went out, suddenly was like... I DIDN'T GET THE PANDA FOR THEM?! Haha. Too bad lorhs... Tomorrow leaving. Hope you all dont mind. Haha. Anyways, I WAS ACTING DAMN CHILDISH... Walking around the shopping centre after zoo trip with my sis and both of us were like chanting"Panda panda panda... Panda panda panda..." Which sortta scard some ppl. HAha! But damn fun. Didn't know I was so childish lahs! Haha. Tomorrow going to Mongolia! Soooo excited, gonna see SNOW! And my mum's letting me learn violin! But then maybe cant, cause are there even violin instructors who can speak English there? Haha. Can only pray now... Oh ya, got my boots too. BLACK AGAIN. BLACK. EVERYTIME I GO OUT, BLACK JEANS, BLACK T-SHIRT, BLACK JACKET, BLACK WINTER JACKET, BLACK SCARF, AND BLACK HAT. NOW ONE MORE: BLACK BOOTS. HAHA! I'M MAD BOUT BLACK! :D
OK, Byes for now! Anyways, smile!!! :D Dont get upset... Love ya, Belle and Zan! And my panda! (So childish) Byes! :D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hellos everyone! Today I have lots of things to say! :D Anywayz, firstly, I'm glad to say that God has blessed me and I got an 'A' for all my four subjects! Thank God lots and lots for that! Secondly, I've left my friends! D: I can still see the image of Belle waving goodbye. The image of Phoebe crying of happiness cause of her results. Priya saying " Bye Angeline! I'll miss you!" And SooJi giving me a last hug. I really miss them now... The days where we laughed together, play together... Even when Ms Kok sent me out the class for forgetting my homework...(haha) Thirdly, Zan and Andrea ended up not going for the Plaza Sing trip! When my sister told me that, I was very confused, so I messaged Zan, she said she wasn't going! Then Andrea also suddenly say not going! Then my mum pulled me back to do my Sec 1 Option Form... When I finished, I RUSHED ALL THE WAY TO PLAZA SING... I didn't know how to tell Mr Goh that the whole day was spoiled. He and SeoRin specially made time for us, but then NOW, I WAS THE ONLY ONE ATTENDING. When I called him and said,"Mr Goh, where are you and Seo Rin now?" He was like, "You all come to the 5th floor," Then I was like,"You, not you all." "Huh?" "I'm the only one coming today! Talk bout it later... I feel very pissed." "OK. Bye" Then made my way and found him. We still laughed and joked, but I was VERY angry and disappointed. I didn't know what reason they had for not coming, but I could tell that JG wasn't very pleased that the both of them didn't come. But anywayz, went to take neo-print, hang around, laughed and joked. Then went to Subway, and that JG made me and SeoRin laugh so much... Haha. Then they were talking bout setting up ALUMNI BAND ON EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT!!! I WANNA JOIN! Haha. Then saw Andrea and the rest... SeoRin and JG just ignored her and her friends totally... I felt so helpless. Ha~ Then fouthly, JG brought Angel to our house! Not Angel, HIS DOG ANGEL. SHE WAS SO CUTE LARHS!!! Haha. It was soooo funny! Haha. I'm arranging for tomorrow too... This time hope ANDREA AND ZANZAN AND SEORIN CAN COME ALONG... If Zan and Andrea doesn't come, I'll get my sister. Haha. End of post! :D I really miss my friends... Love them alot... ESPECIALLY YOU BELlA KOH SHENG TING!!! WILL MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY! Oh, and btw, ppl, PLEASE. TAGGIES!!! :D

Monday, November 17, 2008

HeLlOs PeOpLe... I am currently laughing like siao! THIS IS A MUST READ! ENJOY~ Dictionary of 6 Patience<3 A’s Adagietto- Itachi turned into chendol (proof of Esabella’s hearing problems) Amanda Yang- a strange organism with arms and legs. Strong resemblance to yeti/ fishball Amazing- referring to Esabella Annoying- a trait of Amanda Yang Appalled- a term which “pure” people use when listening to Esabella’s impure words Ayam- a Malay term which means ‘chicken’ B’s Ball- 1.a plaything 2.a formal banquet/occasion/gathering 3.enough said… Banana- a tropical yellow fruit, often mistaken for a crescent moon Bananas- crazy/ insane/ mad/ neurotic Bebola Ikan- see Amanda Yang Bird- 1.fowl/ poultry 2.erm…ok enough said Bishba- see Amanda Yang Bluey-cheese hole- 1.Han Wen 2.don’t make me elaborate further… Boing- sound Amanda Yang makes when bouncing (which strikes terror in our hearts) Burp- a sound commonly made by freaks Butt- opportunity to exercise your leg muscles in kicking 2.something which smiles C’s Cake- another word for ‘kick’ Camp- a mass gathering of freaks Cardiac arrest- what Sherilyn goes into when she talks with Esabella for more than half an hour Chendol- what Itachi turned into Chocolate- branded poop (Priya’s definition) Coca-Cola- a worldwide popular soft drink, which is obtained from…ok, never mind. Corrupted- the dominant trait in Esabella Crap- what comes out of Esabella’s mouth D’s Dad- what Esabella calls Han Wen Ding- exclamation made by freaks when smiling Dog- MOMMY!! Doughnut- what Angeline always turns into Dustpans- what we’ll become when we grow up E’s Enigma- the mystery of Esabella’s corruption Esabella- a corrupted ____________ Elmo- a furry red monster from Sesame Street, last seen with a long white beard and wildly waving a random pumpkin basket. Behaving suspiciously, kept screaming, “Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo’s world!” if found, please alert your nearest police station. F’s Fart- 1.a release of methane gas from the negative end 2.Angeline’s favourite hobby Fishball- see Amanda Yang Flying- something we believe we can do Freaks- people with teeny weeny little brains minus the 0.0000001% that controls sanity G’s Garra- enough said Godaime- enough said H’s Haha- a common phrase heard in the classroom Hot- describing weather and weather alone Hysterical- what Sherilyn turns into when she talks too much to Esabella I’s Idiot- a person without a brain (see also: Amanda Yang) Idiotic- a trait of a certain AHEM Impure- referring to Sherilyn (though rarely; To Esabella: “What would you do with the extra one?”) Insane- see mad J’s Jelly- Angeline Joe Jonas- what’s that??? Seriously, what’s that?! Is it a…soft drink??? xD K’s Kevin Jonas- no idea Kitkat- see chocolate L’s Lalalalalalalalala- see Elmo Lollipop- an all-rounded sweet in the shape of a ball M’s Mad- a trait of freaks Mama- what I call Megan G. Michael- a boyfriend of Esabella’s Moron- see Idiot N’s Nap- an hours-long sleep that Esabella falls into nearly every day Nick Jonas- what’s that? Could it be a…sweet? Or maybe a chocolate?? No- Yes O’s Obese- a trait most common in fishballs P’s Pineapple- a human with spiky hair Poo- what comes out of the negative end after eating fishballs Poop-a-poo-la- a soft drink mixed with ‘what comes out of the negative end after eating fishballs’ xD Q’s Queer- a trait of freaks QWERTY- the name of Sherilyn’s keyboard R’s Random stuff- see crap Reasonable- NOT a trait of freaks Retarded- another famous trait of freaks Roll- movement of the fishball without teeny little legs S’s Sensible- Huh? What’s that? Smart- again? Sweet- excuse me? T’s Tweet- what birds say Terrifying- see freaks Toot- enough said U’s United we fall, divided we stand- the universal motto of all freaks Unreasonable- a trait of freaks V’s Velocity- 1.speed 2.a shopping centre 3.speed of freaks rushing there to buy chocolate on the day of the big sale W’s Waddle- the movement of a fishball with teeny little legs Waffle- what we are when we think (I think, therefore I am a waffle.) X’s X? What word starts with X that could possibly be put here?? Y’s Yak- animal 2.talking; a common hobby in the classroom Yawn- a tradition practiced in class, achieved by opening the mouth very wide and taking in as much oxygen as possible while trying to look attentive and innocent Yes- No Zach- A husband of Esabella

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hellos people!!! <3 I am leaving for BeiJing this Sunday morning, at 0025... Not today, next Sunday. And that means I have 7 more days in Singapore, an 7 more days to sms ZanZan... Haha. And I'm missing alot of people ALREADY. I still refuse to accept the reality that I'm leaving people like Belle and Phoebe. SooJi and Megan Lau are going to SMSS to. Surprisingly, I don't have a goal for PSLE... And I totally dunno why... 240+, maybe? I very scared of getting too high marks cause later my parents want me to go NanYang or something, I WILL DIE. Haha. Will miss everyone in Mongolia! Especially you Zanny.... CANT SMS YOU!!! Haha. CAN DIE OF BOREDOM MAN. Ah~Dun care liaos... I've been lazing around... Tv, Computer, Tv, Computer, Prawn Crackers, Bubble Tea, Sleep, Tv, Computer... I really turning into Kagura liao... T_T And then I thought of band... I just laughed at the sms of Ikan Bilis and Sweet Drinks... (Mr Goh, DONT KILL ME AND ZAN) We actually ate and drink behind the timpani when we aren't allowed too. Hid from JG. And everytime it was me and Zan... On several occasion, Janice was with us too. Got a few pics of the three of us. And I got a blackmailing picture of ZANZAN. Muahahahaha!!! LOLX. But then those days were real fun... Its like... Suddenly my 4 years in band disappeared. And I still can't forget how Zan blew the cornet. IT WAS HORRIBLE. Anyway, I also blow until so horrible, Mrs Teo transferred both of us to percussion lorhs... And I still can't forget the time I first saw peanut, Jiayu, Jingyi and Ghost. Haha. I loved those days... And I still don't believe we've spent 4 years in band... Changed conductors 3 times... In 4 years! Mr Junior Lim to Mr Goh to Mr Chong. AH~Why am I talking bout band? Probably miss it too much. Anyways, the one I'll miss most apparrently is Belle. Haha. Since everyone else is going to SMSS. (: For that, I'm really glad. Haha. Nothing else to say... And anyway, I LOVE JAPANEsE MOVIES!!! DEATH NOTE! TAIYOU NO UTA!!! <3333333

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hellos people! Lemme share some pictures of the Graduation Night at Hard Rock Cafe... Gradution Night 2008 Me and Katie <3
Sherwyn, Janice and Charmaine<3> Jolene watching Beatrice playing her PSP <3>
I'm a paparazzi... Caught a pic of our Principal,
Me and WaiYee. Cute? <3>
Fang Han Wen's 'smiley hamburger' face. <3>
Everyone at Hard Rock... <3> Me and Soo Ji hugging each other. So sweet
right? <333> Me and Belle!!! <333
We really had alot of fun. And the perfomances! 6 Joy's one was so good! The true side of 6 Joy. Haha! And I loved ours! Little Red Riding Hood Remix! There was alot of random parts. Like in the beginning... We will now present you... (Phoebe and Me jumps in, pretending to play guitar)
Phoebe: Oh hi! Random guitar player! Long time no see!
Sherwyn and Janice kicks us off. Haha. Then.
Sherwyn: So sorry for the interruption. We will now present you... (NAtalie unties her nair and swish it all around, singing: Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you... <<<--- Pantene shampoo advertisement. Janice shoos her away...)
(Roxanne jumps in, singing: Come and buy MAMA SOAP, CHEAP AND GOOD!)
Sherwyn chases her off and says: SORRY AGAIN FOR THE INTERRUPTION!!!
(Han Wei jumps in, screaming: NICK JONAS! WOOOOOOOOO!!!
HAha. End of randomness in the beginning. Then we were supposed to be chasing Agent Hood, who was a killer. So halfway the grandmother was chasing Roxanne screamed: STOP!!! Then snatches up the umbrella and sings: Come and buy this umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh.. Buy this umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh(Song: Umbrella by Rihanna) Haha!
Overall, the skid was perfect. And the teacher's singing... Look at this video of the teachers singing!!! It's perfect... MUST WATCH! And at the end you can see Ms Kok drying her tears with tissue paper...... WATCH CAREFULLY!!! (:
And then, when it was time to leave, Ms Kok cried... Megan G. cried BADLY. I was wondering why I didn't (haha). Then Phoebe came hugging me and was like "Angeline... Angeline..." And SHE MADE ME CRY. T_T. Then Soo Ji invited me to catch a movie with her and some ppl... So I agreed. Went with Soo Ji, Venessa Liu, Tiffany and Phoebe. We had lots of fun... But I dunno why I felt bad bout not smsing ZanZan... Haha. Hope you didn't get bored!!! Gomme...
And then yesterday went to cathedral. *censored* said it was not touching at all and said she wouldn't cry. Anyways, she did(haha) and VERY BADLY. If she were any normal friend, I would just go and hug her like how I did to SooJi, Belle, Phoebe, Megan G.... etc. and telling her is alright, but THIS CASE WAS DIFFERENT. I just stood there, watching her friends comforting her. I FELT SO HELPLESS. T_T. Then when we left the cathedral I SAW PEANUT AND XINGXING! Even said hi to XingXing, but peanut didn't see me. Haha. The last time I saw her was 9th Of April, BAND SYF!!! Haha. Then went to Raffles with Phoebe and SooJi, and ate SUSHI!!! I got California Roll!!! <333>
Then some ppl come write letter... YESH! Its true that you are not as cute or clever as Belle, but even if YOU were cleverer and cuter, I still won't like you. If you think that was the reason I like Belle, then I tell you :ITS NOT. And nice and cheerful as Megan Lau? That isn't the main reason why I like her too. If YOU were more cheerful and nicer, I still WOULDNT LIKE YOU. And as for not as treasured as Zaneta, there's also a reason why I treasure her so much too. Because when I was hurt in the beginning, YOU only cared bout yourself. YOU only cared whether both of us could be closer and I knew that YOU were hinting bout this "BEST FRIEND" business and figuring out how YOU could be my best friend when I was sad and desperate. When I quarelled with my close friends, I didn't even hear encouragement and comfort from YOU. And from that time, I knew that YOU didn't care bout me but for yourself. YOU wanted to take my best friend position. I KNEW IT ALL ALONG. Because I guessed it, and then once I pretended to tell you, 'YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND," and your expression and actions told me the truth. You didn't care whether I was happy or sad as long as you yourself have me to accompany you and make you LAUGH. While all the time, Zan was the one helping me overcome this tough hurdle. And YOU didn't care. And stop pretending to ACT SO PATHETIC. Like going recess alone. Everytime you just look at me with that face, waiting for me to ask you to go recess with me. You go :"Ah, Angeline..." Then you shut up and look at me in face, waiting for me to say: "Lets go for recess together'' But NO. If you meant what you say when you said you loved me alot as a friend, let me tell you: I don't want a friend like you, but instead a friend like Zaneta and Belle. YOU only share my happiness, but THEY share both my happiness and sadness. Whether laughing with me, or crying with me. Even Belle, when she seems so happy all the time. When I am sad, she puts her arm around my shoulder and gives encouraging words, and she stops all her laughter and nonsense. Her actions just tell me that she cares. And although me and Zaneta hardly talk, she cares. She smsed me, tried hard to put a smile on my face. She even talked to Mr Goh, explaining what happened and she felt worried. Mr Goh told me the truth. And I really appreciated her. YOU? Even lending me something, YOU REFUSED. I? YOUR BEST FRIEND? WHEN OTHERS BORROW SOMETHING FROM YOU, YOU JUST GAVE IT STRAIGHT AWAY BUT WHENBut IT WAS ME, I HAD TO SAY PLEASE. PRETTY PLEASE. And you would say go and ask your FRIEND. I know what it means. You wanted me to say: But you are my friend! But I didn't. I was sick of your digusting attitude. And what did you say in the letter? "From Day 1, I would laugh everyday, be happy. I still am, I suppose, but I would be much happier if only we could be close friends again. Let me tell you: Are you waiting for me to say you are my close friend for your own selfish needs? Do you even care how I felt when you wrote this? Ask Soo Ji and Phoebe what I said at Raffles City when I suddenly remembered and opened the letter. You MADE ME HATE YOU EVEN MORE. "I am VERY HAPPY FOR YOU'' You are just trying to show that you are so nice that you didn't care as long as I am happy and smiling. But what about 'if only we were close friends again?' And stop looking at me straight into my eyes with that PATHETIC LOOK. ITS DIGUSTING. VERY DIGUSTING. When YOU love a friend alot, you should learn to help, not just care how she feels about you. Like me, for instance. I don't really care whether my best friend hates me alot or loves me alot, as long as I love her and trust her. And I care for her in different ways. When you love your friend alot, do what you can do for her. But you only do things INFRONT of my face, to SHOW ME YOU CARE. Me? I pray. I pray for her to keep smiling and not get hurt, physically or emotionally. I keep praying for God to bless her. I even pray to God, hoping that I could forgive you and you'll be nicer and not so detestable. But YOU YOURSELF are spoiling EVERYTHING. You wanted to gain my love and compassion. But instead, you got my hatred and digust. YOU ARE SICK. And for once, I AM NOT JOKING. And for the friends I love from the most, it'll be:
1) Zan: Cause she cared, NOT YOU. And last year's band exchange program she kept making me smile. She puts others ahead of herself. You don't. Even when we're not in the same class in P4, 5 and 6, she still cared. Even when we only meet in band, she cared. But YOU? Same class as me in P4, 5 AND 6. YOU DIDN'T. You tried to, once, but IT WAS SO FAKE.
2) Belle: Most of what she had done is all up there...
3) Phoebe and SooJi(ties): They both cares about me, when we're not close at all.
Ok, End! Sorry bout the way I phrase it... Haha. Cause I was really angry with her. She really gets on my nerves. And... Zaneta, Belle, Phoebe and SooJi.... I LOVE YOU ALOTS! AND I MEAN IT!!! AS FOR YOU, IDIOT, I DIDN'T HATE YOU SO MUCH. YOU MADE ME GET INTO A BAD TEMPER. INSTEAD OF THE POSITION 'BEST FRIEND', YOU HAVE MADE IT TO 'WORST ENEMY'. I NEED A COOLING PERIOD FROM YOU. AND DON'T ASK WHETHER I WILL FORGIVE YOU. CAUSE IT'LL ALL BE UP TO YOU NOW. I HATE YOU. I ONLY HAD GOOD MEMORIES IN THIS SCHOOL. I was forgiven by a friend, Sherwyn, Janice and me are getting along well, Phoebe, SooJi and Megan are very nice, I just realised... I had so many good memories. YOU SPOILT THEM ALL! YOU GAVE ME A LETTER ON THE LAST DAY. YOU GAVE ME A BAD MEMORY. I COULD HAVE GRADUATED HAPPILY, WITH ONLY GOOD MEMORIES BEHIND. YOU GAVE ME A BAD ONE. DON'T COME AND SORRY. TILL NOW, I HAVEN'T GOT A SINCERE SORRY FROM YOU. You go, "Oh I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," In this sing-song voice and you act as if you didn't care. And I prayed, forgave you. The next day when I talk to you, you go "Oh you OK ready ah? I thought someone was angry..." AND THAT is the reason WHY YOU DON'T HAVE CLOSE FRIENDS. FOR ME, EVERY SECOND SOMEONE BETRAYS ME, I CAN TURN TO ANAYONE ELSE. I HAVE ZAN, BELLE, MEGAN, KATIE, PHOEBE, SOOJI to turn to. And if THEY ALL HATE ME, I HAVE MY SISTER. (I just realised my sister is a good talker and listener) I DONT NEED YOU! HOW CAN YOU EXPRESS YOURSELF? YOU HAD ONE YEAR TO DO THAT! YOUR TIME IS UP, NOW GET LOST, BAKA!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today-Basketball Tournament! Patience and Devotion competing for third place, Joy and Kindness competing for 1st place... So I screamed for Patience and Kindness... Throat was DAMN SORE. Ouch... Haha. And well, last night also prayed for Patience to be third and Kindness to be first... And guess what? All came true! Thank God :) Then Nativity Play. I just found out it was NATIVITY, NOT NAVITY. I am such a RETARD(<---Don't laugh, Sherilyn and Belle)Then full dress, so changed to my jeans and yellow T-shirt. Haha. Then danced and danced again... Then one part the Feliz Navidad song, the dancers were backstage and DIDNT COME OUT. So Ms Goh had this VERY SCARY LOOKING FACE, so went to call all of them out... Then Ms Goh was scolding... And then Choir was wearing this this thingy on their head, and then found one on the floor... Picked it up and saw that image of... Band. Most Entertaining Band Competition. Song: Recess Rock 1st : Bukit View Primary School 2nd: Whitely Secondary School 3rd: SMPS! (WOOO!) I still remember we decorated the instruments with exactly the same type of thingy(<<<---Dunno wad its called) Some are red and some are white. And I was playing the bells. And Zan had a picture of us Percussionist. I didn't remember taking a photo with them... Lemme see... Percussionist then was me, her, my sis, peanut, ghost, Jiayu... Yupp... Thats it, I think. Love those days... I still can't forget them... And then Mdm Yang suddenly come and say no Higher Mother Tongue! Haiz... So ate lunch, and saw JG. So when we said bye I was kindda sad, cause I dunno when I can see him again... And Mrs Goh too. And Mr Chong, me and Zan's SLAVE... Wait, what was the name of that woman that used to teach us in Percussion? She was GREAT. And I think I'll miss JG's lolipops... And then Zan 'gave' me this song called Photograph by Nickleback... I think it suites me alot... Haha. Try listening to it. It's LOVELY. I wonder when can I ever see my band teachers again???

Monday, November 10, 2008

TODAY! Haha... HEALTH ZONE. SO FUN! And I tell you, that Belle, SHE SAID ALOT OF SICKENING THINGS TODAY! (I SOOO WOULD NOT MENTION WHAT) One word to describe her? Corrupted:) Anyway, MY BAND LIFE IS OVER. And I still refuse to accept reality. Haha. In a few more days, my SMPS life is ALSO OVER. I feel so scared... I don't know what to do... Before I left, I just keep looking at my drum set and all around the band room. I wonder when I can ever see Mr Goh, Mr Chong and Mrs Goh standing in front, conducting lessons, with the usual friendly band atmosphere... And all the laughter and smiles from the students... And my dear drum set, Zan's dear timpani... Haha. Anyway, stupid JG(<---Band teacher, Mr Goh) gave us the band pics, and on my envelope he wrote Angeline. His handwriting DAMN UGLY! And he was like Ange Line and held up the paper and said: How do you pronouce this? Ange LINE! Then Zan's one even worse. He wrote BIG BIG there ZAN ZAN! Haha! And Zan wanted a new envelope, so when JG was busy arguing with her, I snatched up one and passed it to her! It was sooooooo funny. Then after that JG can't fetch us home, he gotta rush back to QiaoNan... Then my sister complained need to go toilet so I just let her... Then saw that Zan had SMSed me! And I didn't see it! (For your info, we are still smsing and not talking, cause it seems more fun!) <<<---IGNORE! And then I TOTALLY FORGOT THE WHOLE BUBBLE TEA THING AND SO I SMSed HER TO WALK SLOWER AND WAIT FOR ME SO I COULD TREAT HER BUBBLE TEA! But SHE NEVER REPLY. THEN CALLED HER. *please leave your message after the tone* Stupid! Haha. Then my sister came out and I told her and WE RAN ALL THE WAY DOWN! Then could not see any sight of Zan... And at the same time OUR BUS CAME! (Bus no. 166) And then I was like: "I think she gone home liao lahs... Her home is right up there... Let's go..." But my sister was like: "Don't give up hope! God will surely help you one!" And I thought it was ridiculous and since we never even see her right? Then I tried calling Zan again... Then my sister was pointing at the entrance of Peace Centre and said:"See! God has helped you!" Then I turned and SAW THAT IT WAS REALLY HER! But of course, we still weren't talking, and Zan was getting Kancang Puteh(Peanuts!) And my sister dragged her all the way to me(Thanks, Piggy!) And Zan was like giving this expression and like "WHAT?" So my sister seemed to know what I was thinking and helped me again(Thanks PIGGY!) "My sister wants to treat you bubble tea, remember?" I smiled and handed my sister my wallet. Before I knew it, she used my money and TREAT HERSELF! !#^*$#@*@)!!! Haha. But nvm... Then that stupid aunty was like "you havent paid for the peppermint one yet!" And I was like huh? I thought I passed my sister all the money? Then aunty checked receipt then we just paid lorhs.... Haha. Then on the bus Zan smsed me saying that the bubble tea was HORRIBLE and she's just eating the pearls! I bursted out laughing at THAT MESSAGE(No Offence!) and then replied her... Hahaz... Ridiculous DAY! I LOVED TODAY! And I found out that I LEFT MY DANCE CLOTHES IN THE BAND ROOM T_T. So tomorrow will get it first thing in the morning. Hahas. And the dance is getting along quite well. Hahas. So GOOD LORH. Choir wearing BLACK! SO GOOD! I LOVE BLACK! My fav colours are Black and Orange... Used to be pink but now dunno why dun like liaos... Haha,,, I can't wait till the day when I come back and visit the band again... Its time to say goodbye... If only I didn't love band so much. Haha. But I've learned to keep myself happy whenever I am(even when I'm being scolded!).. So its quite good. And anyway, basketball tournement tomorrow! Kindness and Patience... GO ALL THE WAY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

4 more days left in school cuz one day for grad night. And that means 4 more days for me and Sherwyn's 'conversation' at the noodles queue. And it means 4 more days with The Random people and pushing and shoving and laughing. And it means 4 more days wearing the SMPS uniform. And it means 4 more days in SMPS. And 4 more days in my classroom. When I spent 4 years doing all these!!! (I entered school in P3, not P1, mind you) DUH. THAT WAS DEFINITELY RANDOM. Anywayz, tomorrow-Health Zone! Bubble Tea! Most important-BBBBAAAANNNNDDD!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! LAST DAY IN BBBBAAAANNNNDDDD!!!!! *BOOHOO!* Crap. I'm always talking nonsense. Somehow I feel nervous bout tomorrow. But I won't mention why. IF you wanna know, two words : TOO BAD! Haha. LOLX. NTH TO SAY. BYEBYE!!! :-DDD

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yohs people :) Here are the stuff going on... Monday: Health Zone Visit and BAND! Tuesday: Navity Play Full-Dress Rehearsal! Wednesday: Navity Play! Thursday: Graduation Night! Friday: Last Day Of School! I really don't want to graduate... Before I leave SMPS I will just keep crying... Last year I haven't graduate I cried already. This year DEFINITELY WILL. Its true that we can meet up with each other, but it'll never be the same days that we study together, play together, laugh together and spend time together. I can't believe that after all these years, we're parting and leaving. This is where we met, and this is where we'll part. I really wish for the old days to come back... Especially last year's band... Even SYF was fun! Although it was just a Bronze, I don't really mind cause we did what we could do and it was only 2 marks more to a Silver. AH~ I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GRADUATE! I wish for all the stuff to clear up, all the mess. Well, I'm forgiven by a friend, had already forgave a friend, so I think there won't be anymore bad memories here. Suprisingly, I'm feeling quite afraid of leaving. And VERY AFRAID. I'll miss band the most. And it's true. To think about my band life... Its so interesting, too interesting. I'll come back to visit, but it won't be the same where I was a student, not a visitor... Especially I'm leaving to Mongolia. When I come back next year I'll be a total steanger to everyone... Since they all already spent half a year with each other, I'll be all alone. I'm scared of the feeling of LONELINESS. I'm most scared of that. I wish that I was going to Mongolia for JUST A HOLIDAY. I WISH. IF ONLY. And btw, I need someone who is going to SMSS next year to help to send me my worksheets and notes to Mongolia... Any takers? Don't worry, the postage fees I'll pay them back, I just need a little favour. Please help me, anyone... Haha. Tag at my tagboard or SMS me if you think you can help, thanks! Nth to say liao... Buh-bye :-)

Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm feeling so hapry that we are 'friends' again. But then we are already used to not talking to each other. I really dunno what I could say when I see her... T_T Anyway, Monday got band! And ZAN ZAN FELL DOWN DURING THE BASKETBALL MATCH! I WARNED HER TO BE CAREFUL! SO FOR HER PUNISHMENT, SHE MUST LET ME TREAT HER BUBBLE TEA! MUAHAHAHA!!! <<<---RANDOM:) Anyway, when I read the sms yesterday... It was like 'I forgive u' and I just stared and stared at it. And froze. And I suddenly became very blur. I didn't know what to do or say. Whether to laugh or cry. After I cooled down I WAS TRYING NOT TO SCREAM. OMG!!! But then I dunno what to say to her... Monday: BAND BAND BAND! IT'LL BE MY LAST LESSON. I'LL TREASURE IT LIKE A PRECIOUS GEM. 'SNIFF SNIFF' I DUNNO HOW I'LL LIVE WITHOUT BAND! HEARD THAT GHOST AND PEANUT'S IN SMSS BAND. SO I'M GONNA JOIN TOO. HOPE THAT ZAN ZAN WILL JOIN ALSO... HAHA. THEN PERCUSSION WILL BE REUNITED ONCE MORE! XINGXING ALSO. HAHA. HEARD THAT JIAYU QUIT BAND LIAO... I'M GONNA WRITE TO SO MANY PPL NEXT YEAR. SO PPL, MUST WRITE BACK AH! HAIYO... AND I'LL MISS JG, MS TAN, ZAN ZAN. YANTY, ALL MY BAND FRIENDS THE MOST. AHHHHHHHHHH~ HATE GRADUATING!!! I CAN wait till Monday. Not CANT. CAN. Cause once Monday is over, my SMPS band life is over. I can always come and visit, but it'll never be the same again. How was I to know that I'll miss band so much? Last year's exchange memories were so precious... When ever I read Zan's blog I just keep laughing. But they're over. I wish for them to rewind but they cant come back. All the laughter, stick fighting, and peanuts and cows(Only percussionist+my sis knows the code). Haha! And WORSE. FRIDAY. GOODBYE BELLE. PHOEBE. YUFANG. MDM YANG, MS KOK. MRS ONG. MS ONG. MS CHUA. I'LL MISS YOU ALL. I WILL MISS MY FRIENDS. I HADN'T EXPECTED THIS DAY TO COME WHERE I HAVE TO LEAVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. SO FOR THOSE WHO GO TO SMSS, THANK YOU! WE'LL ENJOY LIFE FROM THERE ONWARDS!!! AT LEAST MY BESTEST FRIENDS ARE STILL GOING TO SMSS... ... :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This note is for a friend. I'm sorry to say that you are no longer my best friend. Maybe you once were, but no matter what you do, you can't change it. The time now is different. Its no longer the same old days we laugh and play together. Its different. So don't get so jealous. I know you are, don't try to hide it. Go and hang out with your dear *censored* I have to tell the truth. I never really cared for you truely this year. No. Not even once. And its true... _________________________________________________________________ Anyway today basketball... KINDNESS WON! WAY TO GO, KINDNESS!!! I was like cheering for Kindness when they were playing against *What class* and then MY OWN CLASSMATES came and were like "Cheer for Kindness for what? If they win, then Patience will be doomed liao!" "Yah, you should wish they will lose this match." SO KIASU. Please lah, we have all entered SMPS and spent 6 years TOGETHER in this school. And we're the St. Margaret's Family. Do you all have only yourselves to think of? Winning is the most important, and not your friends in other classes? Come on, it's time to wake up. I know you all have worked hard for the championship, but the trophy isn't all that important. Most important is that you make new friends and know how to accept defeat, alrights??? Then we lost. Kindness got first and I was actually feeling kind of happy for them. They were so nice. And my class players were crying. Most of them. I understand how they felt... They practiced EVERYDAY for TWO HOURS. And stayed back to practice. The championship meant alot to them, and their hopes are brokened. So people, just concentrate on fighting for the third place, kays? Don't dwell too much on it. Failure is the mother of success! Go Patience GO! ____________________________________________________________________ Navity play was fun. I kindda enjoy the practices now! And I LOVE THE CHOIR! AND THE SONGS! TOTALLY PERFECT!!! Haha. The performance is next Wed. Next Thursday=Grad night at Hard Rock Cafe! I STILL don't have a costume! NO WAY I am going to wear that dress I wore for Fun Night during camp. I mean, it looks nice, but NO. I felt so weird. Haha. ____________________________________________________________________ And to another gal, STOP STICKING TO ME. AND HINTING BOUT BEST FRIENDS. I SAY AGAIN: GET LOST. YOU ARE NOT MY BEST FRIEND AND DON'T EVEN DREAM ABOUT IT. YOU ARE SO ANNOYING, YOU ARE GETTING ON MY NERVES. IF YOU DONT GET LOST, I THINK I WILL EVEN START TO HATE YOU. Actually I think I'm quite stupid. I can't bring myself to forgive her, but I expect people to forgive me... But that's human, dont you think?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jonas Brothers Fans and Cikgu Hanim!
Me, Sherwyn and Janice :)
Belle and mua!!!
Judith Chong's and Megan's Stary faces too!!!
YAY!!! The comp is finally fixed! MUAHAHAHA! I CAN USE IT NOW!!!
Yesterday-Liu YuFang actually COLLAPSE. She was standing RIGHT INFRONT OF ME. Tiffany was beside her. She just suddenly leaned towards her left and POM! Fell down. Then Tiffany moved one step to like try to catch her, but then too late. So at first I thought she fell down. Then some other stupid people thought she laughed so hard that she fell, some people thought she was slapped then she fell... Very lame things. Then I wondered why she never pick herself up and the whole P5 level and P6 Kindness and my own class were ALL LOOKING AT HER. Then for that 5 seconds, NO ONE MOVED.
I was the first one to act. Bend down and was like'YUFANG! YUFANG!' Then Sherilyn came and she also 'YUFANG!' Then soon the whole P6 Patience was 'YUFANG! YUFANG! YUFANG!'
Wah, her face was very white. And I mean very. And then Ms Goh and Mrs Zukifli came. And Ms Low was like somehow 'slapping' Yufang, trying to get her up. Then Yufang woke up, and I was helping her up. But then Ms Goh told all of us to move and give her air, then she got up and went to sit on the chair. The rest of the story, I dunno cause have to go back to class...WAH LIU YUFANG! WHEN YOU COLLAPSED I ALSO WANT TO COLLAPSE WITH FRIGHT K! I WAS SOOOOOOOO SCARED!!!
LOLX. Then my sister had to stay back for stupid skipping thingy. Told me LAST MINUTE. And then so I was roaming throughout the whole school with NOTHING TO DO. Then help Ms Yeo paste the stars onto the galaxy wall there. I LOVE IT, CAUSE ITS RIGHT BESIDE THE BAND ROOM!!! Anyway, look what we did.. At the pics on top. STUCK THEM ON OUR FACES!
Anyway, today Basketball... Kindness won! Haha! But they were nice, not proud or anything. Now that's what I call HUMBLE. Haha. Anyway, thanks Kindness people for your three cheers to us! You all did well too!!! :)))
Nth to say.... T_T. BB!!!